Thursday, November 26, 2009


Today is Thanksgiving day in the US. In America, everything stops and people stuff themselves silly with turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. But I say, today is a time to reflect on the last year, today, and tomorrow. I know times are hard for many, but if you choose to be grateful then everyday will have meaning. I would like to take a moment to say wherever you are at today, take a moment and just be grateful. Be grateful you have a roof over your head, a car to drive, food to eat, a family, friends, good health, a stack of bills (which are blessing for things already received). Try to see the beauty in the things you have and share vs. the things you don't have. Try to see the glass half full vs. half empty and you will always win in any situation.

God Bless!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Stress The Silent Killer

I wrote a blog a few weeks back that things are speeding up. And if the universe really is expanding faster than before it certainly doesn't help when you throw technology into the mix. Technology can certainly make life easier for most, but the amount of advertisements we are hit with on a daily basis can make even a sane person feel like they are living on the edge. And traffic, marital problems, financial problems, and the list goes on can all trigger STRESS. As it says in the bible, "Be still and know that I am god."

Stress is the bodies reaction to any change. Studies show that stress is as an important part of your health as is diet and exercise. The human body is designed to experience stress and in small doses isn't bad, but stress becomes a negative when a person faces continual challenges without relief or relaxation between those challenges. Something that we call balance. It's estimated that 43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress. 75% - 90% of all Dr. visits are due to stress. Stress can play a part in our lives and cause: Headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, anxiety, and the list goes on.

By learning to de-stress you can take care of your health and learn to live happier as well. Allow yourself to relax. And as you practice relaxation on a regular basis you have a clearer head and be able to enjoy yourself more.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Email Marketing!

Ok, I bet you are saying to yourself I am another one of those home biz guys trying to sell my program. Let me just say that I have generated over $150,000 in biz revenue from a few campaigns for traditional businesses, which currently pays me about $1050 per month in residual income. These are just 2 Campaigns where I didn't pick up the phone and the people contacted me directly for biz? I currently do most of my recruiting for my network marketing biz through email. Sometimes I don't have to pick up the phone and sometimes I do, just depends. But regardless everyone who I talk to has pain and needs a solution.

To be doing business without email today is absolutely crazy. This brings me to my next point, how much should you be emailing people? Personally, in my biz to biz email transactions I only email once a month or once bi-monthly, but I do it again, and again, and again. I think every week is too much for b to b, people will get sick of you and unsubscribe from your email campaigns. Believe me, after 2 years of using email for real estate and biz to biz, I know that you don't want to overdue it. But you do want to be consistent. It takes most people about 4 to 7 contacts before they will even feel comfortable enough to contact you.

If you have a home based business it's different, but I still get emails everyday from people and to be honest it is really anoying. I would say you could get away with 1 to 2 times a week for your home based biz campaigns, but 3 would be pushing it. Stay tuned for my next blog on how to get more business through email.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The World is Speeding Up!

Have you noticed your life speeding up over the past few years? I know I have, and it can make the average person crack if they don't understand it. I don't claim to be some spiritual guru, but I know that we are living in a period of time like no other. Here are a few tips to slow you world down, when it seems crazy.

  • Take a breather and just let go
  • Meditate for 15 - 20 minutes (close the door and go to a quiet place and just close your eyes and go to sleep)
  • Put on a nice piece of music (something soothing or calm)
  • go for a 15 - 20 minute walk.
  • Say a prayer
  • try to set aside time everyday to exercise

Monday, November 2, 2009

You Cannot Afford The Luxury of a Negative Thought

Have you ever been a situation where the way out seemed almost impossible, or so far away, you just prepared for the worst. I actually found myself doing this today while I had to go to court to defend myself for a decent sum of money that a source is trying to collect from me. Even though I know I did nothing wrong, for whatever reason I still had to defend myself. Even when you have been trained to avoid the negativity and only reach for the stars our human instinct is to prepare for the worst. The Legend Donald Trump has even been quoted that he always prepares for the worst before entering any business transaction. Personally, I would say anytime you allow your thoughts to drift into the abyss of negativity you can set yourself up for a string of events that could really send you into a tailspin. Many say your thoughts are not that powerful, but I totally disagree. I had gone into a negative state over the weekend preparing for this court case today and watched my car go into the shop with a major oil leak, a couch I purchased last week has become undeliverable even though I have made many attempts over the past few days to arrange for pick-up. I don't want to sound negative, but if you don't believe me, spend a few hours painting your world of negativity and just watch what happens. My advice is unless you are very wealthy - "You Cannot Afford The Luxury of a Negative Thought."

Here is a great exercise for you: Over the next week each time you have a negative thought write it down. You may be surprised how many negative thoughts go into your head.