Monday, April 25, 2011

A Secret to Great Health!

A few years ago, I was going through something, I had never experienced before outside of chronic back pain. I had a stomach ailment that was completely destroying my life. I honestly spent about $5,000 in tests for over a year to find out was wrong with me, but after seeing a specialist they could not come up with anything. This was about the time I made a shift and decided I had enough of Western Medicine and all of their non-sense and begun my quest of seeking out alternative practitioners. Through my frustration I came across a chiropractor who claimed he could heal me of anything, but a tumor. Most of us only think of chiropractors for back problems, but I knew he wasn't far off as my brother saw a chiropractor when he was a kid for his asthma.

Within a few weeks of seeing this chiropractor, my stomach problem got better, within a few months, not only was the stomach problem better, but I felt better than I had in years. Recently, I went a few months without seeing my chiropractor and I noticed a huge difference in my mental health, as well as my energy levels. Now 4 years later, I can happily say that I see my chiropractor on a monthly basis and have only been to an MD for the treatment of Insomnia while I was going through a divorce. I would recommend that everyone consider the alternative of chiropractic care for optimal health for just about any ailment.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Is The Law of Attraction 100% Proven???

Ever since the movie "The Secret" came out about 5 years ago, we have a new term we like to use called "The Law of Attraction". I think it's a beautiful term that explains a theory that what we mostly get is what we think about. However, the danger of this theory is that it can be used to explain every predicament that a person has brought upon themselves. In other words that person who has cancer got it because they thought about it (and it was completely genetic, or due to their environment), or that tsunami that wiped out a village in Japan was the result of all The Villagers thinking about the tragedy before it actually happened. One of my mentors was a star of the movie "The Secret" and is now on trial for manslaughter and stands to lose everything (he's a master of "The Law of Attraction"). This is where this theory can be broken down and you can find loopholes in it. I'm not saying that it's not a good theory, but just like religion, I think it's more of a personal belief than an actual proven science. How do you explain the guy who becomes a billionaire who doesn't believe in God, or any kind of "law of attraction"? Or the jerk who treats everyone like crap, but everything he touches still turns to gold? Or what about the man who is completely positive and has amazing thoughts and does amazing things, but loses his daughter in a car accident. Did his thoughts really help create his daughters tragic accident?

So here is a better way of looking at "The Law of Attraction" that makes a lot more sense to me and can better explain a theory with loopholes. Your thoughts are vitally important to your daily existence and can play a major part in having amazing things happen in your life, but shit will still happen to you that is out of your control - disease, death of a loved one, taxes, divorce, recession, failed business ventures, natural disasters, etc... the most important thing in life to remember - is life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.