Friday, July 8, 2011

Healthy Coffee

Get paid to drink coffee and tea

Do you or anyone you know drink coffee and/or tea at least occasionally?

When was the last time you was sent a check for drinking coffee and/or tea?

This is the coffee and/or tea that pays you and help improve health.

Why buy vitamins when you can get in your coffee and tea?

You can make gourmet instant coffee and tea at your home and office.

Average time to stop for coffee or tea

Per day/ Per week / Per month

15mins. A day = time to stop

15mins. * 5 days a week= 75 mins. = 1 hour 15 mins.

1 hour 15 mins* 4 weeks in a month= 5 hours a month avg. time to stop for coffee or tea that's unhealthy

Average time to prepare my coffee or tea

Per day/ Per week / Per month

2 mins. A day= time to prepare

2mins. * 5 days a week= 10 mins,

10 mins. * 4 weeks in a month= 40 mins a month avg. time to prepare my coffee or tea that's healthy

What Coffee Does To Your Body---Compare the differences:

Regular Coffee
Very Acidic
Causes imbalance of body's pH levels making more susceptible to illness and disease
Raises blood pressure
Raises stress levels in the body(can increase production of stress hormone cortisol in the body)
Can become addictive
Causes coffee jitters, withdrawal symptoms, and caffeine crash
Has approximately 135mg of caffeine
Most coffee has an acidic pH of 5.5
It take 17 glasses of water to neutralize the negative effects of 1 cup of coffee

My Healthy Coffee

Re hydrates
Balances pH level
Natural detoxifies
Strengthens and boosts immune system
Oxygenates the body and increases brain power, focus, and concentration
Provides energy and boots stamina
Improves blood circulation
Improves quality of sleep

Benefits of my coffee that contains Arabica Beans, Rubusta, Green Tea, Bacopa Monnieri Herb and Gotu Kola Herb

Arabica beans are actually seeds plucked from the cherries of the Coffea arabica plant and are one of the two types of beans used to produce a cup of coffee, the other type being robusta. Arabica beans have less caffeine, less acidity, more aromatic properties, and are considered to be the superior bean by many coffee drinking aficionados.

This is the bean used for the more expensive specialty and gourmet coffees found in the United States.

Green Tea

The secret of green tea lies in the fact it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots. The latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.

Researchers found that men who were given a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories than those given only caffeine.

Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa monnieri plant is an Ayurvedic herb used in India for memory enhancement. Ayurvedic medicine has touted its cognitive enhancing effects for centuries. Bacopa herb commonly grows in marshy areas throughout India. Studies show that it has strong antioxidant properties, protects mental function in those with epilepsy who take the drug phenytion, while a study on rats showed administration improves learning skills.


Memory Enhancing Herb With Anti-Anxiety Action

Bacopa is a great neurotonic, immuno-modulator, adaptogen, tranquilizing, memory and learning enhancing, cerebral activator, anti-ulcer, antispasmodic, anti-asthmatic ayurvedic herb. Other benefits are anti-allergic, free radicals scavenging effect and as herbal supplement in Epilepsy, anxiety and depression.
Know its beneficial actions on brain, memory, mental deficiency, Alzheimer's disease, learning skills, anxiety, depression, stress, epileps and ADHD children.

Gotu Kola Herb

It has been used for thousands of years in ayurvedic medicine to improve memory and maintain a healthy central nervous system, and recent clinical studies support this tradition.

Gotu kola protects the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the brain, which helps increase the brain’s oxygen supply. Clinical studies have shown that gotu kola improves concentration; in one study students’ test scores improved after taking gotu kola. Gotu kola has also been shown to have a calming affect on individuals prone to anxiety, and may also be useful in individuals suffering from depression.

Gotu kola has also demonstrated an ability to improve the appearance of cellulite by increasing the body’s production of glycosaminoglycans, compounds needed to form the connective tissues that hold fat in place.

Glycosaminoglycans are also needed to strengthen the connective tissue that surrounds the veins of the legs, and numerous studies have shown that gotu kola is an effective treatment for leg pain and swelling in people that suffer from varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Additionally, studies have shown that gotu kola lowers blood pressure, which may be helpful to both people with CVI and people struggling with high blood pressure.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Gotu kola protects the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the brain, which helps increase the brain’s oxygen supply.

Bacopa Effects On Brain Functions:

In a double blind randomized placebo controlled research study in Australia, at University of Wollongong, this ayurvedic botanical was found to be effective in tests for retention of new information.

Bacopa Has Been Found To Help In The Following Areas

Mild To Moderate Mental Deficiency, Alzheimer's Disease, Epilepsy, Improving Learning Skills, Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Memory Enhancing.
Aid In Learning Skills.
Stress, Anxiety and Depression.
Children with ADHD.

A few medical conditions in which drinking green tea is reputed to be helpful:
rheumatoid arthritis
high cholesterol levels
cardiovascular disease

Benefits of Javita Coffee With Bacopa, Green tea and Gotu Kola

*Significant improvement in speed of visual information processing by IT task, learning rate and memory consolidation.

*Effective in tests for retention of new information.

*improvement in concentration ability, memory span, and overall mental performance in individuals taking the extract as compared with placebo group.

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

What's your time really worth?

Whats your time really worth?

A 100K a year as an employee is really worth about 1200 per week in income after you pay all your hard earned money to Uncle Sam. Then you have to factor in hours per day spent commuting, gas, childcare, dry cleaners, lunches, etc. If you work from 8 to 5 like 90% of the world (you can add 2 hours for commuting) so you're really working about 50 hours per week on average. So your hourly rate is really about $24 per hour. If your miserable in your job is $24 per hour really worth it? If you have children you can add another $200 to $400 a week to your net income, bringing you down closer to $18 an hour. So the question you have to ask yourself is a $100K a year really all that important or would you rather live on purpose and do something you enjoy. Personally, I would rather make $5 per hour and be happy than $100 per hour and be miserable. Also, with a job, you are not building any equity, so your really renting your time instead of owning it. With a home based business every day that business grows, so does your stock. You can will it, transfer, or sell it to the highest bidder down the road. The choice is yours, but do you want to rent your time or own it?