After spending more than a few years in network marketing, one thing I know that can increase the odds of your success is choosing the right MLM Company. So many new distributors or even those who have been involved for awhile, just jump into a company without considering the following. Most experts say not to even join a company that hasn't been around for at least 4 years as 95% go belly up in the first few years. Considering it can take a few years to build a large passive residual income, you don't want to make the same mistakes I have by just jumping into a company without considering the following. Below I have laid out a series of questions to ask yourself before just jumping into the company.
* Does the company have rock solid leadership? (Does the owner or management team have a track record of success within the industry)
* Is the company debt free.
* Does the company have an outstanding product that will appeal to the masses? (You don't want a product that is only going to appeal to gym superstars, yogi's, or naturopaths, or takes a 3 page science report to understand)
* Is the product affordable for people even if they don't do the business? Must have great customer acquisition. Ask yourself if you would buy the product without a business opportunity?
* Is the business opportunity affordable enough even for people who have never been in network marketing to get started? (you don't want a biz opp that only appeals to network marketers)
* Is shipping the product affordable? (I have been in companies where I spent an extra $30 a month just on shipping & taxes)
* Is the product consumable? (pills, shakes, juice, skin-care, etc..)
* Can you make money quickly? (most distributors quit within 90 days if they don't make money)
* Is the compensation plan designed for the average person to succeed (many are not)?
* Does the product appeal to the Baby Boomer Population (They have most the wealth)?
* Must be a global company or have potential to be.
* Has the owner of the company ever been a distributor? (Important for understanding, what it's like to walk in the shoes of a distributor, will usually have the best interest of the distributor in back of their mind)
* Does your company have a duplicatable system that you can easily plug into? (should be able to explain to an 8 year old)
* Is the pay plan easy to understand and can you create synergy with it for team building (Must be rewarded for building deep - no stacking pay plans)?
* Is the business one that you could comfortably put your own mom or dad into?
* Does your company or up-line offer free training or support? (Stay away from companies that charge you for on-going training)
* Do you like who's sponsoring you and have they or their immediate up-line had success in the industry? (Test them before signing up by calling them. Make sure they get back to you in a timely matter, and that you like them. Don't let anyone ever high pressure you to join a company)
If you can answer yes to most of the following questions than you may have found a great company to get started with. If you would ever like to learn more about what I am up to these days you can visit my website at