Friday, February 17, 2012

Why I chose Visalus over all The many other opportunities?

Back in July of last year I came to the realization that my latest network marketing venture was in dire straits. I watched my downline of over 200 people crumble overnight. Was it the product, the opportunity, etc. I watched my check vanish, leaders leave, and now I was left with a decision to I continue to build here or look elsewhere. I tried to rally the troops, but most were onto something else. I thought if I could just get 5 new builders, I would be fine. Than it hit me. What is the definition of insanity, "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". I kept hearing this isn't the first time this has happened to me? As a matter of fact it was like the 3rd or 4th. What was I to do? I quit, but didn't announce it for almost 90 days.

I thought of everything I had done in this industry good, bad, and crazy. I thought of all the companies I could run with. I met with company owners, I met with master distributors, I had offers on the table - it all looked good. But I knew one thing had to be in place for me to launch my biz - MOMENTUM. None of the companies I looked at had Momentum. I knew the company could not be a start-up - 99% chance of failure. I knew the company had to have a product that people would buy without a business opportunity attached to it. I knew the company had to be Global or have plans of going global in the next few years. I knew the company had to have good leadership, training, history. I wanted a company where the average person had a fighting chance to build a legacy for their family.

Only 1 company out of 25 or so that I looked at had all the above and that was Visalus Sciences. I went to my first event in Atlanta and met a few of the owners, leaders, etc. I was blown away by all of the people that were joining this company. I saw Momentum, I saw leadership, I saw a 9 to 1 customer acquisition, I saw a 7 year old baby being born backed by a Billion Dollar Giant Blyth.

I'm here to tell you 90 days since I joined the company that I made a great decision and my wish for you is that if you're looking for a network marketing company that you consider Visalus, because they are the real deal and you will never have more fun building a business.

For more information on Visalus visit my website at