OK, so you've started a sales job, or recently became a distributor with a network marketing company. How do you know you got into the right vehicle? You could be the greatest salesperson or network marketer in the world, if there is no hook for your network marketing company, or market demand for your latest sales product/service - you could be in trouble. It's kind of like trying to get to Hawaii, would you be better off flying there on an airplane or trying to drive there? Let me just give you a few examples of how this has worked for me in the past.
Sales Job #1 - sold software over the telephone domestically made a few thousand per month. Moved into Next Sales Job with same company and sold overseas, made over $10K per month. Was it me? Partly, but mainly it was the customer base and demand for my product overseas, was much higher than in The US.
Sales Job #2 - Went to work for a fledgling real estate office. After 4 months had finally made my first sale, and the office went bankrupt. Shortly thereafter I went down the street to the largest Real Estate office in town, and made double the number of sales in a shorter period of time.
Network Marketing Opportunity #1 - spent 60 days marketing my business and only enrolled 1 person. Network Marketing Opportunity #2 spent only a few days and hours and enrolled my 1st person.
You see, you are going to be told by your up-line, boss, manager, whoever, to hang in there, when you could be losing thousands by sticking around. Make sure that there is a need for your product/service and see what type of response you are getting from your prospects. Sometimes your talents are not always as important as your company/product/service.
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