If your starting out in network marketing or have been at it for a number of years, you will soon come to the realization that you must have duplication to build any sort of organization.
As a student of Mike Dillard and Ann Sieg's, I love the concept of attraction marketing, but let's face it, for most it's just not practical, or even necessary. Out of the dozens of people I have worked with over the past year, I only teach it to a handful, as the learning curve is about as steep as getting a degree in business - ha ha. If the truth be known, most networkers are still just very part-time and couldn't be bothered with blogging, setting up squeeze pages, Google Ad Words, twitter, Facebook, list building, auto responder emails, copywriting, etc.....
As a student of attraction marketing, I also take great pride in another leader who has a bit of a different philosophy. His name is Randy Gage and if you have never picked up his MLM Manifesto, I highly recommend it. http://bit.ly/hdsJ6
I have met both Ann and Randy personally and although their views may collide at times, I have the up most respect for both of them. Below is a great article by Randy that explains duplication in a nutshell.
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