You just took the plunge and put $100 or $500 on your credit card to start your very own home based business and you are now going to be making $10K in your first 30 days??? Think again, if you have chosen network marketing. Network marketing is a long term way to create passive residual income and you should not quit your day job to do it. Most network marketing companies rely on individuals to move product or services, but due to the low cost of most products and the large spread of commissions over many levels, you are probably not going to be relying on your first $5 - $100 in commissions as your main source of income for bringing a new person into your business. Keep in mind if your with any of the other programs that are out there, where there are big up-front commissions, most do not qualify as an MLM Program, especially if they are only 1 or 2 tier pay outs. Not that those programs are bad, you can make a lot of money in those programs, but they are more based on direct selling vs. recruiting, training, and duplication and usually require a minimum investment of a $1000 to get started. In network marketing you need a very large organization with a few people consistently taking action to make a decent income.
So what can you expect to make in MLM over the first 30, 60, or 90 days? Keep in mind that 97% don't ever make more than enough to cover their product and this is usually only because most quit within 90 days, because they do not understand it, or have been sold a pack of lies by the network marketing vultures who prey on taking advantage of people.
Let's be realistic about the situation and say I gave you a scenario that went something like this: in your first 30 days let's focus on getting your monthly product paid for? In your 2nd month lets focus on getting your product paid for, creating a budget for advertising, and tools to market and build, and by the 3rd month lets focus on becoming profitable. If you were to follow me, I could show you how to become profitable within 3 months. Most Brick and Mortar businesses take 3 years to show a profit. In network marketing you can become profitable in 1 - 3 Months - if you don't quit. If that doesn't sound good to you and you need to make thousands quickly than I would suggest that you not do MLM. Especially, if you have a lottery minded mindset, you will just be very disappointed.
If you are interested in creating long term passive residual income, and realize that in 2 to 3 years you could have a very nice steady income stream, than I would look at network marketing. I personally believe that everyone should have a network marketing business, as over time it could pay you an additional $100, $500, or $10,000 a month, but don't expect it to happen overnight. To learn more feel free to visit my website at
Whether you are involved in network marketing, affiliate marketing, internet marketing, or just simply want to learn more about effective marketing & personal development techniques to grow your business, you have come to the right place.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Doing Something You Love
If you are like me there has been times in your life where you were able to support yourself doing something you loved. Maybe it was that dream job, that hobby that you turned into income, or maybe it wasn't even the job or hobby, but doing something that was helping others like being a nurse or counselor. You see, each one of us was destined for greatness, but we have been conditioned for mediocrity. I personally have earned most my income through commissions for the majority of the past 10 years in sales. I chose a career in sales, not because of the money or that I like bugging people to buy my product or services, but because of the freedom it allows me. As long as I am producing and hitting my numbers or quota it's not a big deal if I take an afternoon off to go to my kids baseball practice, or go for a morning surf session in the Pacific Ocean. My accountability isn't in how many hours I work, but I get a percentage of what I bring to the table in value through consistent action and having the ability to get others to say YES. It's the same with my network marketing business. I've also been fortunate enough to bring in additional income as a musician. As a matter of fact it was only not quite a year ago where I was paying most of my mortgage in Australia while doing what I love - music.
My latest passion is now coaching others to success whether it be in network marketing, business, or life. I absolutely love coaching others and it's not even my main source of income, but it is part of what I do. So, my advice to you, is if you don't like what you are currently doing, then change it. Find what it is you really like to do, or want to do and make that your primary focus. My main focus currently is my coaching career first (even though not primary source of income - Yet), than my career as a sales professional & network marketer, finally - playing music is a hobby that has generated me a generous amount of income over the years. So dig deep and start turning the things you love into cash. Find one thing you love to do and make that your focus and you can create multiple streams of income around that. You can do this even if you have a full-time job. Unless you love what you do for a living currently, your job isn't as important as you think it is. Find your passion and run with it.
If you would be interested in a free 15 minute coaching session, email me at
My latest passion is now coaching others to success whether it be in network marketing, business, or life. I absolutely love coaching others and it's not even my main source of income, but it is part of what I do. So, my advice to you, is if you don't like what you are currently doing, then change it. Find what it is you really like to do, or want to do and make that your primary focus. My main focus currently is my coaching career first (even though not primary source of income - Yet), than my career as a sales professional & network marketer, finally - playing music is a hobby that has generated me a generous amount of income over the years. So dig deep and start turning the things you love into cash. Find one thing you love to do and make that your focus and you can create multiple streams of income around that. You can do this even if you have a full-time job. Unless you love what you do for a living currently, your job isn't as important as you think it is. Find your passion and run with it.
If you would be interested in a free 15 minute coaching session, email me at
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Your Words Are So Powerful
Did you know the words you use can have a lasting impact on your overall well-being? Take for example when you ask how someone is doing and they say "not bad". Did you know that your unconscious cannot process a negative? How about telling your kid "Don't spill the milk". You know what usually happens? Yes, he/she spills the milk. Do you know why? It is because your kids brain just visualized you telling them that, so almost immediately following they actually spill the milk - makes sense. How about, "I cannot wait until I am out of debt". Guess what? You just told your unconscious mind that you want more debt. It is no wonder you cannot get out of debt and spend most of your life in debt. By trying to get out of debt, you are constantly telling your unconscious that you want more debt, "Your Wish is My Command". So how do you avoid the above. It is not easy, but my advice is really pay attention to the words that you use.
Below are a few more examples:
"Don't slip on the ice" - what happens when you tell your friend or neighbor that - they usually slip on the ice. How about telling them "be careful walking on that ice, it can be slippery". They didn't visualize themselves slipping on the ice on the last statement.
"not bad", try I'm doing good, or if your not doing good, just say you are doing ok.
"I cannot wait until I am out of debt", how about "I am so grateful for all that I have, it will be a wonderful day when I have more options vs. obligations", or "I am so grateful for all that I have, I create more value everyday and money flows to me constantly".
"Don't Spill The Milk". How about "Be careful when you hold that glass up", or "Don't drink so fast, pay attention".
This is just a tip of the iceberg, but remember your unconscious cannot process a negative and it also sees in pictures. If you would like to learn more about this, feel free to contact me for a free 15 minute consultation.
"Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change". Wayne Dyer
Below are a few more examples:
"Don't slip on the ice" - what happens when you tell your friend or neighbor that - they usually slip on the ice. How about telling them "be careful walking on that ice, it can be slippery". They didn't visualize themselves slipping on the ice on the last statement.
"not bad", try I'm doing good, or if your not doing good, just say you are doing ok.
"I cannot wait until I am out of debt", how about "I am so grateful for all that I have, it will be a wonderful day when I have more options vs. obligations", or "I am so grateful for all that I have, I create more value everyday and money flows to me constantly".
"Don't Spill The Milk". How about "Be careful when you hold that glass up", or "Don't drink so fast, pay attention".
This is just a tip of the iceberg, but remember your unconscious cannot process a negative and it also sees in pictures. If you would like to learn more about this, feel free to contact me for a free 15 minute consultation.
"Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change". Wayne Dyer
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Amazing Twitter Folks!
If you are not aware of the phenomenon known as Twitter, you are either living in a cave or completely in the dark on trends. Twitter is currently the #13 most visited website on the internet today and is taking the world by storm. From people tweeting about their latest meal, to people tweeting about their favorite recipe, I highly recommend you make Twitter part of your marketing if you are involved in a business of your own. Below are a few top Twitter Folks, I highly recommend you consider following!
Ashton Kutcher - Ashton is bigger on Twitter than he has ever been as a Movie or TV Star. He has over 3.6 Million Followers. He can probably just use Twitter to promote all his movies from now on, who needs to pay for advertising with that sort of network. Not only is he married to Demi Moore, but now he is The reigning king of Twitter (#1) - Sweet! I hope his film career goes as far as his Twitter Page.
Kevin Spacey - Kevin is a great actor and also a great twitterer, he always has some pretty interesting tweets and keeps it up there pretty regularly. He currently has over 1.2 Million Followers and as a former shoe salesman, has made the grade as an A+ actor and an A player Twitterer. I would given Kevin an A+ on Twitter, but he doesn't follow anyone back - ???????
Tony Robbins - The guru of personal development, has hit it BIG on Twitter, with a following of over 1.3 Million Followers, I'm sure Tony will add a few more pennies to his bank account. I still kick myself everyday I didn't travel to see Tony in Salt Lake this past June at my company's annual convention.
GaryV - Gary has like 800,000 followers, that is insane for someone who is not a Big Movie Star. Gary has a Wine Club TV Show and has taken his family business to new levels. I'm sure any wine entrepreneur would love to advertise their business on Gary's Page.
Guy Kawasaki - What can I say with over a 170,000 Followers he certainly knows how to attract an audience. Not too shabby for a venture capitalist and columnist for Entrepreneur Magazine.
Perry Belcher - Perry is a very interesting cat to say the least, with, "Air Brush Tatoo Artist, and Hot Dog Vendor" as his previous credits, he has some pretty good tweets and will not keep you too bored. He seems to interact with all of his followers and currently has over 106,000 followers. He claims he makes $1 per month for each of his followers, that's amazing for anyone in the world of social media. Doesn't that work out to over a million dollars a year from Twitter????
Ann Sieg - As a professional online network marketer I am impressed that anyone in the world of network marketing would have a total of 72,000 followers. Fortunately, I have had the chance to meet Ann and do some social media training for her team. It looks like her book "The Renegade Network Marketer" is making her a force to be reckoned with in the world of Twitter.
Oliver Turner - not sure what to make of Oliver, he certainly doesn't Tweet too often. As CEO of a staffing company who would have ever thought he would have almost 65,000 followers? I was recently on a training call with Oliver where he claimed to have received payment of over a $100K for 1 social media speaking engagement - that's amazing!
James Hickey - I actually know Jim personally and will say as SDEntrepreneur he seems to really know what he is doing in the world of social media. He actually passed me up in followers recently on Twitter and I think out of all the people in San Diego only Tony Hawk and Jason Mraz have more followers? James keeps it interesting with his local SD hot Spots and Photo Quizzes. He is a must to follow if you are interested in Social Media, or San Diego and keeps it very entertaining.
Neil Diamond - As a huge Neil Diamond Fan and imitator, I could resist to follow Neil on Twitter. Surprisingly Neil is very interactive with his audience. He has tweets like "At the US Open. Wow, what a great match!". He isn't the most active tweeter, but for a celebrity you can always find him tweeting every few days. Plus I'm a huge fan of his music, so I had to include Neil on my amazing Twitter Folks Page.
James Ray - James is a dynamic speaker and since attending his seminars and following his tweets, I am pretty impressed at not only by his personal development quotes, but also his ability to open up about his personal life. At his latest seminar he mentioned that he checks his Twitter and Facebook account regularly. You might recall James from the movie The Secret - "Your Wish Is My Command".
Well that sums up my list of Amazing Twitter Folks! If you are on twitter make sure to add these folks to your list of followers. And of course you can always follow me at
Ashton Kutcher - Ashton is bigger on Twitter than he has ever been as a Movie or TV Star. He has over 3.6 Million Followers. He can probably just use Twitter to promote all his movies from now on, who needs to pay for advertising with that sort of network. Not only is he married to Demi Moore, but now he is The reigning king of Twitter (#1) - Sweet! I hope his film career goes as far as his Twitter Page.
Kevin Spacey - Kevin is a great actor and also a great twitterer, he always has some pretty interesting tweets and keeps it up there pretty regularly. He currently has over 1.2 Million Followers and as a former shoe salesman, has made the grade as an A+ actor and an A player Twitterer. I would given Kevin an A+ on Twitter, but he doesn't follow anyone back - ???????
Tony Robbins - The guru of personal development, has hit it BIG on Twitter, with a following of over 1.3 Million Followers, I'm sure Tony will add a few more pennies to his bank account. I still kick myself everyday I didn't travel to see Tony in Salt Lake this past June at my company's annual convention.
GaryV - Gary has like 800,000 followers, that is insane for someone who is not a Big Movie Star. Gary has a Wine Club TV Show and has taken his family business to new levels. I'm sure any wine entrepreneur would love to advertise their business on Gary's Page.
Guy Kawasaki - What can I say with over a 170,000 Followers he certainly knows how to attract an audience. Not too shabby for a venture capitalist and columnist for Entrepreneur Magazine.
Perry Belcher - Perry is a very interesting cat to say the least, with, "Air Brush Tatoo Artist, and Hot Dog Vendor" as his previous credits, he has some pretty good tweets and will not keep you too bored. He seems to interact with all of his followers and currently has over 106,000 followers. He claims he makes $1 per month for each of his followers, that's amazing for anyone in the world of social media. Doesn't that work out to over a million dollars a year from Twitter????
Ann Sieg - As a professional online network marketer I am impressed that anyone in the world of network marketing would have a total of 72,000 followers. Fortunately, I have had the chance to meet Ann and do some social media training for her team. It looks like her book "The Renegade Network Marketer" is making her a force to be reckoned with in the world of Twitter.
Oliver Turner - not sure what to make of Oliver, he certainly doesn't Tweet too often. As CEO of a staffing company who would have ever thought he would have almost 65,000 followers? I was recently on a training call with Oliver where he claimed to have received payment of over a $100K for 1 social media speaking engagement - that's amazing!
James Hickey - I actually know Jim personally and will say as SDEntrepreneur he seems to really know what he is doing in the world of social media. He actually passed me up in followers recently on Twitter and I think out of all the people in San Diego only Tony Hawk and Jason Mraz have more followers? James keeps it interesting with his local SD hot Spots and Photo Quizzes. He is a must to follow if you are interested in Social Media, or San Diego and keeps it very entertaining.
Neil Diamond - As a huge Neil Diamond Fan and imitator, I could resist to follow Neil on Twitter. Surprisingly Neil is very interactive with his audience. He has tweets like "At the US Open. Wow, what a great match!". He isn't the most active tweeter, but for a celebrity you can always find him tweeting every few days. Plus I'm a huge fan of his music, so I had to include Neil on my amazing Twitter Folks Page.
James Ray - James is a dynamic speaker and since attending his seminars and following his tweets, I am pretty impressed at not only by his personal development quotes, but also his ability to open up about his personal life. At his latest seminar he mentioned that he checks his Twitter and Facebook account regularly. You might recall James from the movie The Secret - "Your Wish Is My Command".
Well that sums up my list of Amazing Twitter Folks! If you are on twitter make sure to add these folks to your list of followers. And of course you can always follow me at
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Failure is a desire, due to lack of Belief!
I was sitting in my office this morning and figured out why so many people fail in business and most don't achieve what they really desire in life.
A perfect example is a real estate office I was working with down in Australia last year. The owner of the office was struggling and in mounting debt (over $200K). He was fed up and fired everyone in the office, but myself, which was a good thing as the other 3 employees were stealing from him with their time and sucking all the positive energy out of the office. As the only remaining warrior, me and the owner came up with a new game plan and decided to become the first real estate office in the small town to offer flat rate commissions to homeowners who wanted to sell their homes. Within about 30 - 60 days things really started turning around - quickly. We were doing marketing on a shoe string budget and could hardly keep up with all of our appraisals. I could see that we were onto something - BIG. We spent time together talking alot about "The Secret" and how we both had the power to really turn this business around. But along the way something went wrong??? About 60 days into our campaign, while I could see the big picture and the 4 sales we had just made, the owner could not. Now keep in mind this was around June of 08 and we hadn't made 4 sales all year. As a young 24 year old man the owner, couldn't see beyond his current predicament of $200K in debt. He didn't understand that the power we were creating was going to change his world forever and that he was much bigger than his $200K worth of debt. You see, even when things start to turn around we want to run to our safety net, in his case bankruptcy. Even though I could see the sunset, he could not. Within just a week of writing up 4 sales, he declared bankruptcy and closed his doors. I was left with a few sales that I would never see commission from and he was working at a job earning just around $20 per hour.
A perfect example is a real estate office I was working with down in Australia last year. The owner of the office was struggling and in mounting debt (over $200K). He was fed up and fired everyone in the office, but myself, which was a good thing as the other 3 employees were stealing from him with their time and sucking all the positive energy out of the office. As the only remaining warrior, me and the owner came up with a new game plan and decided to become the first real estate office in the small town to offer flat rate commissions to homeowners who wanted to sell their homes. Within about 30 - 60 days things really started turning around - quickly. We were doing marketing on a shoe string budget and could hardly keep up with all of our appraisals. I could see that we were onto something - BIG. We spent time together talking alot about "The Secret" and how we both had the power to really turn this business around. But along the way something went wrong??? About 60 days into our campaign, while I could see the big picture and the 4 sales we had just made, the owner could not. Now keep in mind this was around June of 08 and we hadn't made 4 sales all year. As a young 24 year old man the owner, couldn't see beyond his current predicament of $200K in debt. He didn't understand that the power we were creating was going to change his world forever and that he was much bigger than his $200K worth of debt. You see, even when things start to turn around we want to run to our safety net, in his case bankruptcy. Even though I could see the sunset, he could not. Within just a week of writing up 4 sales, he declared bankruptcy and closed his doors. I was left with a few sales that I would never see commission from and he was working at a job earning just around $20 per hour.
The moral of the story is when things start to turn around for you, it still takes time. Just because your not getting all the money you need right away there is a definite chance over time, that you will. You see, in our Western Society we have been conditioned to only work when we are getting immediate money. But many of the $$$$ you earn will not show up for awhile. I already knew this having owned my own business previously and working as a straight commission salesperson. Quite honestly, I think if you just work everyday with a powerful belief system whether you get paid or not, you will eventually start to reap the rewards. It may not be in your time, but it will be in due time. Everything has a germination process. A baby takes 9 months to be born, a carrot 7 weeks. Do you get the picture??
Unfortunately this young man who would've changed his world forever is now bankrupt and living on government assistance. Don't allow your current predicament to be the end all, or be all of your life. If you believe you can change it, even if the money doesn't show up immediately, know that it will over time.
Unfortunately this young man who would've changed his world forever is now bankrupt and living on government assistance. Don't allow your current predicament to be the end all, or be all of your life. If you believe you can change it, even if the money doesn't show up immediately, know that it will over time.
Monday, September 14, 2009
As A Man Thinketh
I just spent this past weekend in Las Vegas attending"Harmonic Wealth Weekend" with James Ray. And all I can say is WOW! I've always pretty much known that an intention was one of the key ingredients to getting what you want in this world, but I never imagined that your intention was the most important. Yep, you heard me right while most of us think that hard work, and education will get us to where we want to go - high achievers know differently. This might explain why 85% of all millionaires don't have a college degree. You see we have all been programmed for mediocrity. We have been told if we just get an education and work hard we can achieve all of our dreams. If that were the case 80% of us would be wealthy not 1%. I'm not saying education isn't important, in some cases it's a necessity. If you want to be a Dr. or a Lawyer all the powerful thoughts in the world will probably not produce that piece of paper. For the majority of us an education will not determine our success. We will never rise to our full potential until we realize that our thoughts and intentions are way more powerful than our methods. If you want to just scratch the suface on this subject than I suggest you read a book called "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen. I have an electronic copy of the book and will send it to you directly if you email me. Change your thoughts and your world will change.
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