You just took the plunge and put $100 or $500 on your credit card to start your very own home based business and you are now going to be making $10K in your first 30 days??? Think again, if you have chosen network marketing. Network marketing is a long term way to create passive residual income and you should not quit your day job to do it. Most network marketing companies rely on individuals to move product or services, but due to the low cost of most products and the large spread of commissions over many levels, you are probably not going to be relying on your first $5 - $100 in commissions as your main source of income for bringing a new person into your business. Keep in mind if your with any of the other programs that are out there, where there are big up-front commissions, most do not qualify as an MLM Program, especially if they are only 1 or 2 tier pay outs. Not that those programs are bad, you can make a lot of money in those programs, but they are more based on direct selling vs. recruiting, training, and duplication and usually require a minimum investment of a $1000 to get started. In network marketing you need a very large organization with a few people consistently taking action to make a decent income.
So what can you expect to make in MLM over the first 30, 60, or 90 days? Keep in mind that 97% don't ever make more than enough to cover their product and this is usually only because most quit within 90 days, because they do not understand it, or have been sold a pack of lies by the network marketing vultures who prey on taking advantage of people.
Let's be realistic about the situation and say I gave you a scenario that went something like this: in your first 30 days let's focus on getting your monthly product paid for? In your 2nd month lets focus on getting your product paid for, creating a budget for advertising, and tools to market and build, and by the 3rd month lets focus on becoming profitable. If you were to follow me, I could show you how to become profitable within 3 months. Most Brick and Mortar businesses take 3 years to show a profit. In network marketing you can become profitable in 1 - 3 Months - if you don't quit. If that doesn't sound good to you and you need to make thousands quickly than I would suggest that you not do MLM. Especially, if you have a lottery minded mindset, you will just be very disappointed.
If you are interested in creating long term passive residual income, and realize that in 2 to 3 years you could have a very nice steady income stream, than I would look at network marketing. I personally believe that everyone should have a network marketing business, as over time it could pay you an additional $100, $500, or $10,000 a month, but don't expect it to happen overnight. To learn more feel free to visit my website at
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