I wrote a blog a few weeks back that things are speeding up. And if the universe really is expanding faster than before it certainly doesn't help when you throw technology into the mix. Technology can certainly make life easier for most, but the amount of advertisements we are hit with on a daily basis can make even a sane person feel like they are living on the edge. And traffic, marital problems, financial problems, and the list goes on can all trigger STRESS. As it says in the bible, "Be still and know that I am god."
Stress is the bodies reaction to any change. Studies show that stress is as an important part of your health as is diet and exercise. The human body is designed to experience stress and in small doses isn't bad, but stress becomes a negative when a person faces continual challenges without relief or relaxation between those challenges. Something that we call balance. It's estimated that 43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress. 75% - 90% of all Dr. visits are due to stress. Stress can play a part in our lives and cause: Headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, anxiety, and the list goes on.
By learning to de-stress you can take care of your health and learn to live happier as well. Allow yourself to relax. And as you practice relaxation on a regular basis you have a clearer head and be able to enjoy yourself more.
I believe stress is a killer. This year I had two episodes of higher than high blood pressure and I know it was partially related to my stress level at work.
Since the last incident, I have chosen to take things easier and no longer care as much as I did. It is a defense mechanism and seems to be working out well for me for now.
Thank you for a great post.
„Stress dissolves in ganoderma coffee" ;)
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