If your like me and have your hands in many endeavors it can be crazy at times. Ever heard the term, "Jack of all trades, master of none". Personally, I come from the school of thought where you need to have multiple streams of income. The key is that these multiple streams of income must be created around your psychic income (what you love), and should not take up too much of your time. The key is to leverage your time, for example if your like me and your doing network marketing find others who are more talented than you to do the recruiting and building. Get them to do the same. If your doing network marketing and you can't find others to work hard, then you are wasting your time. Find products that are in alignment with your psychic income that you can promote on your blog or website. I currently market Magnetic Sponsoring by Mike Dillard and have made several hundred $$$ in a month without lifting a finger off of this one program. If your in network marketing, you might also consider using and marketing a marketing system to other network marketers. This will not take any of your time, as you only promote as a back-up when you are leading with your main program. These are just 3 of the many income streams I have created and most don't require more than a few hours a week.
If you are looking for a home based business you can check out mine at http://www.thehomebiz4you.com
If you need a system for your home based business, I highly recommend http://www.theultimatesystem.info
And if you need an affiliate program to build more income on the net, then I would recommend magnetic sponsoring at http://www.bigmlmsecrets.info
Good one on Multiple Streams of Income. If you are a network marketer and interested to know how to be successful and earn high income then http://debtfreeliving.thecopywritersguild.com can help you.
I love the comment "Jack of all trades and master of none." This is exactly how I feel lately. I feel like my passion for earning a passive income is in the right spot, however, I am thrusting about in all different directions. It has almost gotten to the point of paralysis in my actions. What to do?
I think it is of paramount importance that I calm down, select one program or effort and go diligently in that direction. If you are all over the board, this advice is for you as well.
Thanks for this article. It touched me in just the right spot.
my network
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