Monday, January 4, 2010

Do you have a plan?

Hope you had a great holiday season! If you're like me you enjoyed the past 2 weeks with family and friends, and probably ate more than you had intended.

Now it's time to figure out what you are going to differently in 2010. It's been said, that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Do you find yourself in that trap? I know I have more times than I can count and it can ruin any chance for success.

Here are a few tips to accomplish your goals in 2010:

Work backwards - figure out what you want and the rest will take it's place. If it's a new house, or a car, relationship, or to lose weight. You can have it, but you must put a picture in your mind first of what you want. Keep that picture close by and look at it daily. Imagine yourself driving that sports car, or what your going to look like in that bikini when spring rolls around. Start to feel it. I actually went into a jewelry store the other day and tried on one of the most expensive Rolex Watches. I didn't buy it, I just wanted to get a sense of what the watch would mean to me. You can do that with cars, clothes, etc... Go for a test drive.

If you find yourself in a non-prosperity mindset - stop it! It will wreak havoc on your new beginning and you will find yourself in dire straits. You can actually have financial wealth with only a few bucks in your pocket. Remember it's not how much you have that matters, but how much you can give. And more importantly how you feel about yourself. Never let your bank account determine who you are. That's not who you are, your a lot more than that.

Finally, if you really want BIG results consider getting yourself a mentor or coach. A good mentor could be someone like Tony Robbins or Zig Ziglar. Start reading as many personal development books as possible. This will help re-program your mind for prosperity and achieving greatness! If you got more than enough money, consider a weekend seminar or a week long retreat, these can do wonders for your mindset. If you like more of the personal touch than consider a coach. I personally train and mentor others and love it! But you can pick whoever you so choose to coach you. I think more important than anything with a coach is to find someone you connect with. Most coaches offer a free 15 or 30 minute consultation. And the good ones know how to help you get the results you are looking for.

Get your vision board and start putting your blue print together for 2010 and I can promise you that in 12 months you will be a much bigger person because of it.


The Dream Team Doctor said...

Nice Article about life and goal getting not just goal setting.

Check this video out.

nabashalam said...

You've been watching the Secret aye? Do you know of the TUT site?
Thought become things? Excellent site and free daily motivations...

Anonymous said...

Great advice John.
You are right on the money with getting a vision of what your big goals are. That new house or cruise vacation may be just the incentive people need to SEE every day to keep them going.