I was fortunate enough yesterday to spend some time looking at a company out of Florida called Genewize. GeneWize is the newly formed marketing arm of a 12 year old, publicly traded company. The company is GeneLink inc., and they are a well respected genetic, biosciences company. The company is in the earliest stages, and is less than a year old on the network marketing side. I tried hard to gather information on company leadership, to no avail. They are home to some of the biggest names in online network marketing: Jonathan Budd & Katie Freiling are both affiliates with Genewize. I was fortunate enough to sit on a 30 minute webinar with my good friend Tara Wilson who is one of the top income earners in the company. I really liked her presentation, besides a few of the technical difficulties. During the presentation I learned about a very unique product that is designed to match your DNA. After examining your DNA, GeneWize will create your personalized formula for nutritional supplements and skin repair serum with 100% active ingredients individually selected to enhance or diminish the biological processes causing you to age. It's a pretty amazing product and I really enjoyed what I saw.
As for compensation, it looks like they have a good pay plan with a monthly bonus rewards so if you recruit 1 person into your business you get 10% off of your $129 monthly autoship, 2 people 20%, 3 people 50%, and 4 people 100%. So basically, if you bring in 4 people per month into your business as either customers or business builders your product is free. This doesn't take into account the monthly bonus pools, stock options, and of course their residual income on the back end (why we all do network mareketing). On the binary leg it appeared to be a hybrid with matching bonuses of 40% on the 1st level, 20% on the 2nd, and 10% on the 3rd. I can't really find anything wrong with their pay plan, it looks pretty strong.
Great Product - Unique (don't know of too many products matching DNA?)
Low start up (less than $300)
Simple (only 2 products to date)
Compensation looks strong
timing (looks good, poised for growth w/less than 20,000 distributors)
top leaders already on board (that says alot)
12 years of research (Scientific Advisory Board Includes 4 MD's and 4 PHD's)
minimum autoship is a bit high at $129 per month (could be tough to retain customers)
only in the US currently
Network Marketing Business less than a year old
Binary is a bit confusing to the average person
Product is so unique, may be difficult for people to understand
So here is the million dollar question, would I join Genewize? I certainly would consider, I think the only 2 things that would hold me back is I would want to learn more about the management team (as leaderships is critical). I want to know who the captain of my ship is. I'm not too fond of only being able to market in the USA. I think for someone who is going to build primarily in their own backyard this would be a great company. I mean if you live in Tampa Bay and your not an online marketer, your probably only going to build within 30 miles from where you live.
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