Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What I Really Don't Like About Network Marketing

My goal this year is to open up the Iron Curtain of MLM from time to time. So here it goes. Are you making money in your current network marketing venture? If not, it may not be you. Did you know I have made thousands in some comp plans and not made a dime in others, or very little money. Yes, your comp plan may be terrible. Your products may not be very good or way overpriced compared to what's in the marketplace - NO DEMAND. You see in MARKETING perception is everything. If you have to apologize for the price of your products every time you share them, you may be marketing a loser. Yes Network Marketing can work with lousy products. It's called the Placebo effect. I can put together a product and tell people how wonderful it is with good packaging and a Celebrity Endorsement and I'm off to the races.

So here is what I have learned in the past few years as I have worked directly with the top income earners in our industry and gone way underground to examine the industry for what it really is.

People can no longer wait 3 to 5 years to build a residual income to be able to maybe one day walk away from their jobs. The real unemployment here in The US is closer to 25% and those that aren't unemployed are praying they don't get downsized or kicked to the curb by their employer. So what I am getting at is unless you have lots of disposable income on hand to build a business, you need a business that can pay you at a very minimum part-time wages in your first 30 to 60 days - preferably full-time.

You see, your upline doesn't want to tell you the truth, but truthfully most comp plans won't pay you enough to make it worth your time for at least a year or more (the spreads are just way too big). So here is my challenge to you for 2011. Examine your income versus your time. If you are working your tail off and not even making minimum wage for your efforts, you probably have a terrible compensation plan. Again, if you're unable to recruit, that is only because you don't understand 1 thing. I know the secret to that as well.

Continue to work on yourself, but at the same time treat your business like an entrepreneur. I personally don't build just 1 Company, that to me is no different than just having a job. What happens if the company gets bought out, or goes bust. I've watched my income go down by 90% overnight due to a major change to a compensation plan. Become an entrepreneur first and examine your results. Time is all you have, don't waste it.

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