There are times in our lives when we may hit brick walls. Sometimes pushing too hard makes things even tougher on ourselves and can wreak havoc on us mentally as some road blocks are just simply too large for us to handle on our own. As a true believer in a Supreme Being, I know that letting go of my problems or obstacles that are too big for me to handle on my own can be much more powerful than pushing on - I call it turning it over. I don't care who you are - wealthy, poor, middle class - we all have problems. Some have more than others, but we all go through seasons in our lives that may present difficult situations. Contrary to what many of the New Age & Self Help Guru's preach that our thoughts are everything - I don't buy into that philosophy at all times. As I know I am not the CEO of my universe and that there is a GOD who is all knowing and maybe has plans that are better than my own. As a matter of fact, if you want to make God Laugh, tell him your plans - ha ha. Seriously though, maybe your business is suffering due to the economy, you're going through a divorce, you have problems with alcohol abuse or addiction, rebel teenagers, a boss you don't like, or maybe you have a huge tax bill staring you in the face.
When we experience problems or situations that are bigger than us - This is when you want to take your problems and simply turn them over to the God of your understanding. You would just say something along the lines of - "God, this problem is bigger than I can handle and I need your help and guidance." If you can do that, I can promise you that on the other side there will be a solution and this is when miracles start to happen. You must first believe in a power greater than yourself, than simply turn your problem or obstacle over and you will experience - The Power of Letting Go.
I'm here to tell you TODAY that you NO LONGER have to remain in control of everything at all times and that you can and will experience The Power of Letting Go, when you are ready to step down from being The CEO of your life.
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