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Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The 90 Day Push....
Have you ever heard the term "The 90 Day Push"? If not, it's a term used in network marketing to build your foundation or to get a 2nd window of opportunity to literally blow up your biz. How it works, is you basically go very very very hard for 90 days. A recruiting frenzy if you will. You recruit, recruit, recruit, and then you get others to join you. It's the way most every top income earner I have ever met has built their network marketing business.
If your network marketing business is not where you want it to be or think it should be - why not do a 90 Day Push, where for 90 days you work harder & smarter than anyone you can think of. You go, go, go, and push, push. If you do this, and you're not stupid about it - you can set yourself up for some seriously large checks over the next 12 to 18 months. Not to mention all the Fast Start Bonus Checks you will receive weekly. Hopefully, your network marketing biz, has Fast Start - ha ha...
If you're not happy where you currently are and you have already tried the 90 day push, it may be time to look for a new company. Many network marketers don't start to earn any real money until they get to their 3rd, 4th, or 5th company. It is pretty rare that someone will make a lot of money in their first company.
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1 comment:
I've been around and in the industry for 31 years and I know first hand how powerful this "90 Day Push" is, I call it a 90 Day Run.
It's the time in a network marketers business that focus is directed on the business with intensity. One of the pitfalls I see in this business is when on partner/spouse decides to go on this 90 day push without explaining or getting the "buy in" of the partner. So build the dream and big vision for your partner if you are making this decision.
My family's team has been paid out over 98 million in the past 11 years in network marketing and all of it was built in the foundation in the first 90 day run.
90 day runs are fun and effective without a doubt and I don't know any millionaire in the industry that hasn't done several 90 day runs...that's a clue!
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