I used to think when I first started in network marketing that I was definitely self employed. But truthfully, you are self employed no matter what you do. You are self employed always unless you have a contract stating that you can't leave your job like in the military, professional sports, etc... Without a legal binding agreement holding you to your job or company for a period of time - you are not obligated to stay there. You can walk away at any time, even if you have a contract. But keep in mind if you have a contract, you may pay stiff penalties or have consequences for your actions. But technically unless someone has put a gun to your head and is threatening to pull the trigger, you're always self employed regardless of who signs your paycheck.
Why network marketing could be a great option for many is that with network marketing you get to make your own hours, low start-up costs, and great tax benefits. Monthly overhead ranges from as low as $50 per month. Don't know of too many businesses that you can start in for as little as $50 per month. Also, allows you time freedom to pursue other things or spend more time with the people you love.
Unfortunately, if you're a W-2 employee you pay by far the most income tax of anyone in the US and get no tax breaks, so this is probably one of the worst ways to employ yourself. Most don't have the drive or ambition to succeed outside of the workplace, so for many this is the best option, but you are always vulnerable to lay-off's, downsizing, or other unforeseen events. This is why even if you're employed, you may want to consider in your spare time creating a Plan B. A Plan B would always be there to fall back on in the event you were to ever lose your job, plus Plan B forces you to have to be innovative and competitive, so these new entrepreneurial skills can help you perform at a much higher level at your JOB.
If you'd like to learn more about starting an affordable home based business visit http://www.thehomebiz4you.com
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