When I joined my first network marketing company 6 years ago and bought my first batch of leads, I will never forget spending countless hours chasing the wrong types of people to join my opportunity. This always resulted in failure or people who felt sorry for me, or to keep me from chasing them to simply hand over their credit card and join our company and I would never hear from them again. Since then I have gone on to build teams of thousands, but it took a lot of trial and error to learn this business and I certainly was not an overnight success.
I believe that unless all the people in your downline are housewives who just love to talk to all their friends and have huge networks, you will have to resort to recruiting people, more than likely outside of your own network to make any real money in network marketing. I'd like to save you 3 to 5 years of frustration of the type of people you don't want to recruit into your business even if it means sacrificing some up front commission. Unfortunately, these types of people probably make up a majority of the people that are either in your organization or people that you are chasing right NOW and my words to you are STOP. I've only ever seen 1 guy that is in the group below ever do anything and he quit after 30 days. Again if you are chasing people like the ones described below STOP NOW. Now if they approach you and they have a big enough WHY, of course don't turn them away, but again DON'T go out of your way to sponsor them. The truth hurts, but someone has to tell you.
The Types of People listed below you do not want to RECRUIT For your MLM Business.
There you go. I just saved you a few years of working in the wrong direction.
If you'd like to work with me and you're not in the group I just described than email me or visit my website at http://www.thehomebiz4you.com to learn about the most exciting home based business in North America today.
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