If your involved in network marketing - are you enrolling lots of people into your opportunity? Better yet, are you getting any duplication? You could build a huge organization without duplication, but you will more than likely burn out as network marketing, as most pay plans are not designed for a solo artist. It may seem like that in the beginning, until you get a large team together.
It's a good idea every now and then as you start to grow your team to take a breather from recruiting and work with your people on your team, as that is the only way for your team to grow. But how do you decide who to work with and grow your organization? I was on the phone with a friend of mine this morning who just sold his network marketing company and has made millions as both an owner and distributor and he told me that to be a great leader, you must lay down the law early with your distributors. He says, you must let people know that their success is important to you, but that this is a real business, and that your time is very valuable. He reckons you should only spend your time with those people in your downline that qualify for your time. His rule is that you must call and check in with him at least 1 time every other day. If you do that, than you will get lots of support from him.
You see, if your joining a company and expecting someone else to build it for you, you may be in for a BIG Surprise. This biz is about becoming a leader and developing skills and taking action. If you take action everyday you will become successful over time. There is no way if you put 5 - 10 hours per week into your business that you will not find success. Obviously, there are some things that are out of your control, like your company going out of business, your product being removed from the marketplace, competition, attrition due to poor products. But ultimately if you find the right company with good products, and a good pay plan, and you work it everyday, you should do just fine. If you just show up everyday and work on yourself, you will be amazed at will start to happen. But don't expect anyone to build your business for you. However, do expect help if you put your hand up. If your eager to make it in network marketing and your sponsor or upline isn't helping you, than find someone in the company who will. Your only a few steps away from success in this industry, as long as you don't quit.
1 comment:
Thanks John. I agree and have read too many books and listened to too many people not to have understood the same things you're talking about. It is tough and honestly, I won't waist one more minute of my time for those people under me who don't even try. I will help those who honestly put forth the effort. Bill
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