How do you know who your leaders are in your network marketing business? Most of the top income earners say if you just have a handful of leaders in your organization you can become wealthy? So where do you find them? First of all, here is how I know if I have a leader on my team. I just created a new email training series for each new person who joins my organization, so I can spot a leader by simply looking in my back office and seeing who is opening the emails. The other way I can spot a leader is by how often they are calling me to check in. Most of my leaders correspond with me at least once or twice per week. You can also spot a leader by their sponsoring stats in your back office. If you see them putting up numbers than you know they are out their working it.
So now let's go to the flip side. When do you quit wasting your time with your distributors? Personally, I will always take time with anyone who is pro active, whether they sponsor 1 person or 20. However, here is the kicker that will save you tons of time and energy - Don't waste your time with your team members that don't respond to your emails, don't respond to your phone calls, don't ever call you for advice. As I always say, "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot get the horse to drink". In other words you can share your words of wisdom and give advice, but self motivation you cannot create. So when after calling your new distributor for the 3rd time and they aren't getting back to you, than it's time to move on and work only with those that want your help.
1 comment:
Nice post John - how true you are !
I never disqualify anyone as it might not be the right time for them to get involved but my time is given freely to those who are active.
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