Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Manifesting Money By Simply Giving

Have you ever wondered why some people struggle financially and others just seem to cruise on by? Do you think it has something to do with who your parents are, or which town you were born in? If that is the case, you are sadly mistaken. Each and every one of us has the ability to create financial abundance in our lives. We have all been programmed for mediocrity, or I should say most of us. There is a reason why almost every financial adviser advices giving off the top to people who are in financial distress. They understand 1 of the secrets of attracting more wealth. Everything in the universe is moving in vibration, when your thoughts start telling you that you don't have enough and you begin to hoard every dime away, you actually are telling the vibrations that you aren't worthy of money and your scared of losing it. With that mentality your certain to never have very much money and probably will lose what you have over time. I will just share one example from this evening and this happens to me all the time, so I know it is not coincidence. I was attending my kids cub scout meeting and the den lady asked all the parents if they would donate $10 to help pay for snacks. I waited about 10 minutes and walked up to the table and noticed not a single parent had put any money in the envelope, I then grabbed $10 of the $11 I had in my wallet and put it in the envelope without even thinking about it. Than just a few minutes later I got a phone call from a potential client confirming a 3 hour coaching session with me for way way more money than what I had just given.

The moral of the story is simple, you want more money in your life - find times throughout the day to give it away. I have had cars show up out of thin air, guitars, money in the mail that came just in time. Give Give Give, but don't give because you are told to, or for religious reasons, give with a cheerful heart - you just might put a smile on someone else's face and the universe will provide. As it says in the bible, "He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver."

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