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Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentines Day!
I just wanted to take a moment and send you some extra love, so you know that you are loved. So as you go through this day, hopefully with your loved one, remember to spread some love around. It's been said that love is not a feeling, but an action. Unfortunately for me it took me many years to figure that out. Love is something you give without expecting anything in return. I like to call it unconditional love (love without conditions). But more importantly, you must love yourself first, before you can love others. So if you feel like your missing something in YOU, than make today the day that you begin to start loving YOU.
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John, I have spent the day alone, and I have just come across your posting. Thank you for the posting, and I will continue the rest of this Valentines Day doing just as you stated. Hope life is wonderful for you, and may you always be blessed with Laughter and Love... Julie
Thanks a lot for your greetings!Sorry I reply so late but better late than never. I wish you good luck and you can acount on me< I'll support your group...
Kisses Roman
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