I just wanted to let you know that YOU cannot control other people. Or can you? There has been a lot of debate on the subject in the past few years, especially as it pertains to “The Law of Attraction”. Some have wondered if you can use the law of attraction to control others. Here are my thoughts on the subject, as I think it is a very important one, especially as it pertains to other people. First let me say, that I believe in a creator of the universe and I call that creator GOD. Some call him/her Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Jehovah, or Allah. My intention here is not to thump you over the head with religious jargon. My intention is to help you create a breakthrough as to why you may struggle in controlling others.
Let’s first talk other people as it pertains to your thoughts, visions, and goals. Many who have used, “The Law of Attraction”, have made mention that while they continually visualized their intention, people just showed up out of the blue willing to help. Or they visualized this special person showing up and next thing they know they are married to him/her. For example: If I was starting a record label, which I actually did. I first created an intention and knew pretty much exactly what I wanted to accomplish early on. Within a few months an investor showed up with the money, so I could open the record label. That is called creating an intention and it works very well. But this is different than controlling others. This is creating an end result, and the piece of the puzzle comes together, because of your faith in this intention – its very very very powerful. This is very different than control – here is why. Let’s say your spouse has left you for another man/women. You don’t understand why, but it hurts you and you want him/her back. You visualize everyday about this person returning to your arms and you create the intention of this person coming back and guess what? They don’t return. The reason for this is that you have limited control over people, as it pertains to getting people to do or act the way you expect them to. You see, God gave us all a wonderful gift of FREE WILL. This is something that even God lets go of, if he wanted to control us he would have made us all robots. If God cannot control FREE WILL, who am I to think differently. I hope that made sense.
The above also applies to network marketing or business, not just relationships. I have brought in many networkers into my business ventures who I thought were going to do great. I give them all the tools, mentoring, etc. AND GUESS WHAT? They still don’t do anything and quit within a few days or weeks - that is called Free Will. It’s the greatest gift we have all been given – I really believe that. But if you don’t get it, you can become insane – I have. Believe me, in the past I tried to play God on many occasions and came up disappointed in others, which led to my own demise.
Remember if your employees, husband/wife, partner, business partner, network marketing team are not performing to your liking. It could be that their FREE WILL is making them make the choices that you may not agree or like. I challenge you this week to let go of people and turn them over. The best thing you can do when you feel like people aren’t reacting/behaving the way you want them to, is to simply let go and pray for them.
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