I remember attending a church service a few years ago and my pastor made the remark, "Jerks for Jesus". You know those people who constantly bombard you with the bible before they even say hello. They tell you that your going to hell and have no idea who you are, or in many cases they don't even know your name. Sounds familiar, when we think of network marketing doesn't it?
Most people in network marketing are trained to go after everyone they know and to approach everyone no matter what, about their products and opportunity. It's no wonder that when you tell people you're in network marketing, many people want to run. It's usually protection from the other person that your only interest in that person is to either sell them some juice, or bring them into your business. After all, we get paid to prospect and to train others to prospect. If no products are sold throughout our organization, no one makes any money.
However, you can do the above without being a JERK for Network Marketing. If you really feel the need to have to talk to everyone, not my style, but if it's yours - ask FOR permission before you give your sales presentation. Find out if your prospect is employed, do they like their job, what their favorite color is. Know at least 2 or 3 critical things about your potential prospect before you even tell them about your business opportunity. You may find by listening, that in many cases you will have no reason to even mention your business. After all, if someone tells you they are very happy where they are and could care less about their health, telephone service, or travel - what's the need.
The same applies for Social Media. If you don't know someone and you want to approach someone about your opportunity, always ask their permission first. If you can't become professional with the way you approach people you not only won't make money in Network Marketing, but at the end of the day you won't have very many friends. Last but not least, if you know of someone who is in network marketing and they tell you they are happy where they are, don't try and get them to look at your opportunity - that SUCKS!
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