You know what drives me crazy about network marketing? I know I can prospect and recruit. But getting others to do the same is not an easy task. This is why it's important to only recruit people who already have some skill-set. Why? Because if you don't, your newest recruits will wear you down. They will take up all your valuable time and more than likely they won't do anything. I know that sounds harsh, but this is a business. The nice thing about network marketing is you can choose who you want to work with. Unfortunately, I had to learn the hard way by recruiting well over a 100 and watching most fail, because they lacked the skills necessary to be successful in this biz. It was my fault they failed, because had I known what i know now, I would have kicked many out after just a few minutes of conversation. I now know why this is not a lottery ticket, but a 2 to 4 year plan for the right person. Again, the right person, because I can promise you that not everyone can do network marketing. Just like, not everyone can play pro football, or sell real estate.
So what's the secret? First and foremost your newest recruit must be hungry. They must have drive and have performed at a high level in another profession. I know this may piss a few of you off, but your born with drive and if you never found success anywhere else and you think you will be successful in network marketing - the odds are stacked against you. You either have drive, or you don't, it's just that simple.
So rather than trying to convince people why they should join your business, spin it on them and have them sell you on why you should invest your valuable time in supporting and training them. I can promise you that 1 good soldier is better than 25 bad ones. If you don't believe me, just ask anyone who has been in this business for more than 5 years if there is any truth to that.
The activity of affiliate marketing is a very effective model. All sizes of companies can spread their marketing message over the Internet through their subsidiaries.
Thanks for many good blogposts! They are interesting :-)
I agree, everyone can`t do network marketing, many people will never have the desire and stamina they need to succeed.
However I am sure much more people can succeed than we see succeeding today. If you sponsor a person they will need some help, more or less...a sponsor have to be counsious about how much help he is willing and able to give. And never let anyone join that you are not sure you can help and teach. Get to know which methods will fit your prospect to do their prospecting, and see if you are the right person for this prospect. If not... send him/ her to someone else, maybe you know somebody who can be a better sponsor for this person than you can....
Just my thoughts about it..
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