Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Are you Struggling? STOP IT!

Watching my son snowboard for the first time yesterday and cruising down Intermediate runs effortlessly by the end of the day gave me a HUGE EPIPHANY. We all have talents that come naturally to us and if we pay close attention to the things we do well without much effort, than simply get better at those things, than we can capitalize off our natural abilities vs. trying to pursue or do things that we really have no talent for, which will usually only lead us to frustration and loss. My wish for you in 2012 is that you find your Talent & Purpose in A BIG WAY!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Nerium - THE SHOCKING TRUTH - My Nerium Review

Nerium is a new direct to consumer company to hit the world of network marketing. Their flagship product is a skin cream applied to your face before you go to bed that is derived from The Nerium Plant and supposed to get rid of wrinkles, scarring, skin damage, etc. I was impressed enough by this company's story along with their before and after pictures that I thought I would do some due diligence regarding the company and their products. Not to mention their company owner Jeff Olsen is an icon in The world of Direct Selling and is a much sought after trainer and consultant within the industry. He has also probably written the most important book ever seen by our industry "The Slight Edge". I even took the plunge and spoke with Jeff personally and got some product to try out, while doing my due diligence. Unfortunately, I did not see the results after 30 days, that I thought or hoped that I might in a skin care product. I think I was happier with the results I had seen from other products, but the convenience of this product was superb, although getting past the smell did take a few applications. On a brighter note, I was very pleased with their packaging and branding (looks awesome!). Jeff obviously knows how to build and even in a bad economy people still need and want to look good.

The Nerium compensation plan looks to be a 3 X 3 uni-level type plan, very similar to one of my favorite plans in the industry - Visalus. The only real difference I could find between Nerium and Visalus' comp plan was that Nerium pays out a few levels deeper when you hit the top of the pay plan and offers a Lexus car program instead of The BMW Program offered by Visalus (except Visalus allows you to opt for the $300 Cash bonus vs. car & Nerium does not). What does this mean for someone joining Nerium? It simply means that if you invest in the $500 Biz Builder Package you will qualify for all commissions, and The Lexus Car Program - if you don't you will be leaving lots of money on the table, but still be rewarded for your efforts. With their compensation plan you will also be rewarded for obtaining customers - now isn't that a great idea. The comp plan is not too bottom or top heavy, so a new person could come in and start making money within their first few days in the business.

I like the look and feel of Nerium and think as they begin to grow their business to include more than their night skin cream - by adding cleansers, astringents, eye cream, etc, that they will continue to see growth from loyal customers and distributors.

The downside I see to Nerium is they have a ton of competition in skin care as skin care is a multi-billion dollar industry and many MLM Companies that have been around for awhile are already secure in that space (Nuskin, Arbonne, and Mary Kay). But Mr. Olsen also heads the research and management side of the business Nerium Biotechnology, Inc. Mr. Olsen has wisely surrounded himself with his close family and a team of corporate members that are well equipped, well known, knowledgeable, and poised for growth.. With that being said Nerium is a start up and the reality is that there is a huge risk/reward situation with any start up. A start up can be lucrative IF you get on a solid team early but there is no guarantee the company will be around in 5 years.

If you are a risk taker and like start-ups go for it. Keep in mind that your results will depend upon your ability to market, attract customers, and distributors to your business. If you feel that you lack the experience necessary to succeed in a brand new company or that maybe you don't have the risk factor for a start up than take a look at my company which has seen double digit growth over the past 20 months, 7 years old, and is completely debt free.

If you liked this Nerium International Scam Review, please “like” it, retweet it, and share your comments below!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Beyond Organic - SHOCKING TRUTH - My Beyond Organic Review

Beyond Organic is a new direct to consumer company to hit the world of network marketing. Their products are primarily grocery based products (spring water, cheese, milk, steaks, hot dogs, etc...). The cool thing about Beyond Organic is they may attract people that are looking to change their eating habits and get good quality food delivered directly to their door. The other thing I like is they have an outstanding company owner Jordan Rubin who has had enormous success in the world of getting healthy through eating better (he is a best selling author of many books). Don't quite know how that is going to play out in the world of network marketing, but with the rise of healthier food chains like Sprouts, Trader Joes, and fast food restaurants like Chipotle, and hit documentaries like "Super Size Me" and "Food Inc." - the timing for a company like Beyond Organic could not be better as people are just simply becoming more aware of what they should eat and what they shouldn't eat.

Their compensation plan looks to be a uni-level type plan, so you will get paid not only on people you refer to your site to purchase products as a retail customer, but also on those who buy a membership (similar to Costco or Sam's Club) for $19.95 per year at a 20% discount. They also have an option on their site where you can actually become a business builder and market your very own Beyond Organic Business via the internet or to people who you know personally and build a network and get paid on all of the sales created by your distributors and their customers and so on throughout your organization.

I like the look and feel of Beyond Organic and think as they begin to grow their business to include more than just dairy, cheese, meat, and chocolate, they could have something that not only attracts the business minded person, but also customers. The downside I see to Beyond Organic is I've only seen one other company attempt to do MLM through groceries and their shipping costs were a bit extravagant. I do think it can be done, if they can keep their pricing competitive to what's on the shelf, but when I looked at their retail pricing it did seem quite a bit higher than what I would pay at the local store. Again, a major problem with network marketing, you still have to have pricing competitive to what's on the shelf (especially with widely consumed products). Other than that, I can't see too many problems with becoming a distributor with Beyond Organic, at least most people are already spending money every month on milk, cheese, and meat. You don't have to convince people to buy some magic juice that they would never spend a $100 a month on if they weren't a distributor or in really bad health. Of course if I get hungry, I don't know if I can wait a week for the mailman to arrive - ha ha.. Keep in mind that 95% of all new MLM's do go belly up in their first 2 to 3 years, so know the odds are stacked against you with any start-up in the network marketing industry.

If you're concerned about the risk of going with a brand new company than take a look at my company which has seen double digit growth over the past 20 months, 7 years old, and is completely debt free.

Monday, October 3, 2011

When to quit your MLM Business?

I just got a phone call from a friend of mine who is trying to recruit me into his MLM business. He's been working it for more than a few years and hasn't even made enough to cover his light bill. This is typical of most network marketers (90%). They never make any money and they stay for whatever reason, maybe it's the culture, the products, they don't want to miss their Thursday Night Amway meeting, because truthfully those business partners have become really good friends. But why stay in a business if you're not making any money? I mean you wouldn't stay at a job for a year and go to work everyday or even once a week if you weren't making any money. I'll never forget meeting a guy at an Amway meeting. He was so excited (he'd been in Amway for 5 years). I said, so you must be making a ton of money. His reply was not really. I then pried him to find out how much he was making after 5 years and he confessed his monthly check was just shy of $1000. Not bad I guess, if he was only putting in a few hours a week, but after 5 years with the same company, I would want to be making a lot more than $1000, especially if I was as fired up as this guy was.

So my question is when do you quit your business? This is not easy to answer, but truthfully at some point you have to be getting paid for your time. You can't go on forever without earning any money and unfortunately many people in this industry do. They don't treat it like a business, they treat it like a hobby or a social club. And that's fine, but I don't see network marketing like riding a motorcycle, a surfboard, playing a guitar, or taking piano. To me this is all business, and I just am not going to hang out in a company if I'm not getting paid for my time or being able to see results. Your results must be measurable and you should see a minimum of 20% growth every month in your sales organization, if you're ever going to make it big.

If you're not making money in your current company and you have been at it for more than 6 months. You're probably playing network marketing, or your company may not be the right company for you. Yes, network marketing typically takes a few years for the average person to make money in, but you need to see some movement from the fruits of your labor and yes it is a business. You are an independent contractor representing your company's products/services, technically you are a straight commission salesperson. So unless your organization is making sales, than you are not making $$$$$.

Monday, September 12, 2011

How to Pick an MLM Company?

After spending more than a few years in network marketing, one thing I know that can increase the odds of your success is choosing the right MLM Company. So many new distributors or even those who have been involved for awhile, just jump into a company without considering the following. Most experts say not to even join a company that hasn't been around for at least 4 years as 95% go belly up in the first few years. Considering it can take a few years to build a large passive residual income, you don't want to make the same mistakes I have by just jumping into a company without considering the following. Below I have laid out a series of questions to ask yourself before just jumping into the company.

* Does the company have rock solid leadership? (Does the owner or management team have a track record of success within the industry)

* Is the company debt free.

* Does the company have an outstanding product that will appeal to the masses? (You don't want a product that is only going to appeal to gym superstars, yogi's, or naturopaths, or takes a 3 page science report to understand)

* Is the product affordable for people even if they don't do the business? Must have great customer acquisition. Ask yourself if you would buy the product without a business opportunity?

* Is the business opportunity affordable enough even for people who have never been in network marketing to get started? (you don't want a biz opp that only appeals to network marketers)

* Is shipping the product affordable? (I have been in companies where I spent an extra $30 a month just on shipping & taxes)

* Is the product consumable? (pills, shakes, juice, skin-care, etc..)

* Can you make money quickly? (most distributors quit within 90 days if they don't make money)

* Is the compensation plan designed for the average person to succeed (many are not)?

* Does the product appeal to the Baby Boomer Population (They have most the wealth)?

* Must be a global company or have potential to be.

* Has the owner of the company ever been a distributor? (Important for understanding, what it's like to walk in the shoes of a distributor, will usually have the best interest of the distributor in back of their mind)

* Does your company have a duplicatable system that you can easily plug into? (should be able to explain to an 8 year old)

* Is the pay plan easy to understand and can you create synergy with it for team building (Must be rewarded for building deep - no stacking pay plans)?

* Is the business one that you could comfortably put your own mom or dad into?

* Does your company or up-line offer free training or support? (Stay away from companies that charge you for on-going training)

* Do you like who's sponsoring you and have they or their immediate up-line had success in the industry? (Test them before signing up by calling them. Make sure they get back to you in a timely matter, and that you like them. Don't let anyone ever high pressure you to join a company)

If you can answer yes to most of the following questions than you may have found a great company to get started with. If you would ever like to learn more about what I am up to these days you can visit my website at

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Top 4 Reasons for failure in Network Marketing

The reason most people fail in network marketing is pretty simple to figure out. Many have asked me why I believe people fail and here are my 4 top reasons for failure in a $120 Billion Dollar Industry.

  • Lack of Money

  • People simply aren't willing to make a financial commitment to their business. If you don't have a budget your business will suffer. Thankfully network marketing is way cheaper to support and get off the ground than a traditional business, but if you can't afford the bare minimum for at least a few months, while you are building your business, probably best to not join and go get a job.

  • Lack of True effective action or any action at all

  • I read a report recently where 1200 network marketers were interviewed. In the survey they found that millionaire networkers were making 50 phone calls per day, successful networkers were making around 20 phone calls per day, and average networkers were making less than 10. If you're aren't prospecting you have virtually no chance to make any money in network marketing as outside of retailing that is the only way we get paid.

  • Not having a steady flow of people to talk to
  • You're either cold calling, purchasing leads, contacting your warm market, or using attraction marketing to get targeted prospects to speak to daily. If you don't have people to talk to - you can't really build a business. Working with a leader who knows how to generate leads consistently is important to your success.

  • Lack of training and underdeveloped skills
  • You must develop some skill-set to do network marketing, fortunately if you can make the dials and get over your fear of rejection, use 3rd part tools and not try to close your prospects you are 80% there. Nobody likes to be closed here, that may work for timeshare sales or car sales, but it won't get you very far in network marketing, especially since we are dependent upon others taking action to duplicate US. The other skill-set you need to develop will come in time through leadership, and personal development to become a bigger better more attractive business person. Your business will always grow in accordance to how much you grow. Network Marketing should be easy and fun, but people are people, so you do need to develop some skills to be successful in network marketing. Starting out you need to simply just talk to people and use 3rd party tools to do the heavy lifting for you


    Friday, July 8, 2011

    Healthy Coffee

    Get paid to drink coffee and tea

    Do you or anyone you know drink coffee and/or tea at least occasionally?

    When was the last time you was sent a check for drinking coffee and/or tea?

    This is the coffee and/or tea that pays you and help improve health.

    Why buy vitamins when you can get in your coffee and tea?

    You can make gourmet instant coffee and tea at your home and office.

    Average time to stop for coffee or tea

    Per day/ Per week / Per month

    15mins. A day = time to stop

    15mins. * 5 days a week= 75 mins. = 1 hour 15 mins.

    1 hour 15 mins* 4 weeks in a month= 5 hours a month avg. time to stop for coffee or tea that's unhealthy

    Average time to prepare my coffee or tea

    Per day/ Per week / Per month

    2 mins. A day= time to prepare

    2mins. * 5 days a week= 10 mins,

    10 mins. * 4 weeks in a month= 40 mins a month avg. time to prepare my coffee or tea that's healthy

    What Coffee Does To Your Body---Compare the differences:

    Regular Coffee
    Very Acidic
    Causes imbalance of body's pH levels making more susceptible to illness and disease
    Raises blood pressure
    Raises stress levels in the body(can increase production of stress hormone cortisol in the body)
    Can become addictive
    Causes coffee jitters, withdrawal symptoms, and caffeine crash
    Has approximately 135mg of caffeine
    Most coffee has an acidic pH of 5.5
    It take 17 glasses of water to neutralize the negative effects of 1 cup of coffee

    My Healthy Coffee

    Re hydrates
    Balances pH level
    Natural detoxifies
    Strengthens and boosts immune system
    Oxygenates the body and increases brain power, focus, and concentration
    Provides energy and boots stamina
    Improves blood circulation
    Improves quality of sleep

    Benefits of my coffee that contains Arabica Beans, Rubusta, Green Tea, Bacopa Monnieri Herb and Gotu Kola Herb

    Arabica beans are actually seeds plucked from the cherries of the Coffea arabica plant and are one of the two types of beans used to produce a cup of coffee, the other type being robusta. Arabica beans have less caffeine, less acidity, more aromatic properties, and are considered to be the superior bean by many coffee drinking aficionados.

    This is the bean used for the more expensive specialty and gourmet coffees found in the United States.

    Green Tea

    The secret of green tea lies in the fact it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots. The latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.

    Researchers found that men who were given a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories than those given only caffeine.

    Bacopa Monnieri

    Bacopa monnieri plant is an Ayurvedic herb used in India for memory enhancement. Ayurvedic medicine has touted its cognitive enhancing effects for centuries. Bacopa herb commonly grows in marshy areas throughout India. Studies show that it has strong antioxidant properties, protects mental function in those with epilepsy who take the drug phenytion, while a study on rats showed administration improves learning skills.


    Memory Enhancing Herb With Anti-Anxiety Action

    Bacopa is a great neurotonic, immuno-modulator, adaptogen, tranquilizing, memory and learning enhancing, cerebral activator, anti-ulcer, antispasmodic, anti-asthmatic ayurvedic herb. Other benefits are anti-allergic, free radicals scavenging effect and as herbal supplement in Epilepsy, anxiety and depression.
    Know its beneficial actions on brain, memory, mental deficiency, Alzheimer's disease, learning skills, anxiety, depression, stress, epileps and ADHD children.

    Gotu Kola Herb

    It has been used for thousands of years in ayurvedic medicine to improve memory and maintain a healthy central nervous system, and recent clinical studies support this tradition.

    Gotu kola protects the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the brain, which helps increase the brain’s oxygen supply. Clinical studies have shown that gotu kola improves concentration; in one study students’ test scores improved after taking gotu kola. Gotu kola has also been shown to have a calming affect on individuals prone to anxiety, and may also be useful in individuals suffering from depression.

    Gotu kola has also demonstrated an ability to improve the appearance of cellulite by increasing the body’s production of glycosaminoglycans, compounds needed to form the connective tissues that hold fat in place.

    Glycosaminoglycans are also needed to strengthen the connective tissue that surrounds the veins of the legs, and numerous studies have shown that gotu kola is an effective treatment for leg pain and swelling in people that suffer from varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Additionally, studies have shown that gotu kola lowers blood pressure, which may be helpful to both people with CVI and people struggling with high blood pressure.

    Cardiovascular Benefits

    Gotu kola protects the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the brain, which helps increase the brain’s oxygen supply.

    Bacopa Effects On Brain Functions:

    In a double blind randomized placebo controlled research study in Australia, at University of Wollongong, this ayurvedic botanical was found to be effective in tests for retention of new information.

    Bacopa Has Been Found To Help In The Following Areas

    Mild To Moderate Mental Deficiency, Alzheimer's Disease, Epilepsy, Improving Learning Skills, Stress, Anxiety and Depression

    Memory Enhancing.
    Aid In Learning Skills.
    Stress, Anxiety and Depression.
    Children with ADHD.

    A few medical conditions in which drinking green tea is reputed to be helpful:
    rheumatoid arthritis
    high cholesterol levels
    cardiovascular disease

    Benefits of Javita Coffee With Bacopa, Green tea and Gotu Kola

    *Significant improvement in speed of visual information processing by IT task, learning rate and memory consolidation.

    *Effective in tests for retention of new information.

    *improvement in concentration ability, memory span, and overall mental performance in individuals taking the extract as compared with placebo group.

    If you you would like to get on board for the ride of your life, and I do me the ride of your life check it out below!
    This could be the Next Big Thing you have been looking for.

    Thursday, July 7, 2011

    What's your time really worth?

    Whats your time really worth?

    A 100K a year as an employee is really worth about 1200 per week in income after you pay all your hard earned money to Uncle Sam. Then you have to factor in hours per day spent commuting, gas, childcare, dry cleaners, lunches, etc. If you work from 8 to 5 like 90% of the world (you can add 2 hours for commuting) so you're really working about 50 hours per week on average. So your hourly rate is really about $24 per hour. If your miserable in your job is $24 per hour really worth it? If you have children you can add another $200 to $400 a week to your net income, bringing you down closer to $18 an hour. So the question you have to ask yourself is a $100K a year really all that important or would you rather live on purpose and do something you enjoy. Personally, I would rather make $5 per hour and be happy than $100 per hour and be miserable. Also, with a job, you are not building any equity, so your really renting your time instead of owning it. With a home based business every day that business grows, so does your stock. You can will it, transfer, or sell it to the highest bidder down the road. The choice is yours, but do you want to rent your time or own it?

    Wednesday, June 29, 2011

    Take this job and shove it!

    I would love to see if anyone out there can afford to hire me, but my guess is probably not. So I will just keep working away in an industry that many people think is a scam. My friends and family members may laugh at me, but If our industry were a scam why would Avon, Mary Kay, and Nuskin still be around after decades and be billion dollar brands? Why would David Beckham wear Herbalife on his LA Galaxy Jersey? Why would The Orlando Magic play basketball in "The Amway Arena"? Yeah, it's all a scam. Why do so many of my friends make 6 and 7 figure incomes in this industry, yet you won't even look, because you think it's a scam. Why do so many women get to stay home with their kids, because of the extra income they earn from their network marketing business - oh yeah, I forgot it's a scam. Go ahead and think that way and stay at the bottom of the biggest pyramid in the world - The Corporate Structure. Watch your less talented friends get promoted because they are better ass kissers, watch your wife have to return to work 6 weeks after giving birth to your child, because she doesn't want to lose her job. Better yet cut your 2 week vacation in half, so you can show your boss you're a company man and deserve to be promoted, or out of fear cut your vacation short, so you don't return to having your positioned filled by yet another eager soul who's half your age and willing to work harder and for less than you. Yes, have your kids being raised by nannies or daycare providers as it's only 12 hours a day between leaving the home and returning to the home after commuting for 2 hours in traffic - it's ok by me. But personally, I'd rather build my own pyramid, instead of clawing my way to the top of someone else's or trying to run a business with a bunch of employees who earn more than me - ha ha. Besides, I suck at kissing ass and hate traffic.

    Wednesday, June 15, 2011

    Renew your Mind

    The economy is crumbling, 2012 is coming and the world is going to blow up, cancer is going to get 1 in 2 people before they leave the planet, the food you eat is infested with pesticides. Ok, ok, I know I am being negative, but the point is - there is a ton of negativity out there and if you believe it, you will succomb to it. The only way to have a peaceful life is to renew your mind. Here's a few tips on how to renew your mind - so you can make a shift from all the negativity in our world:

  • Have very little association with negative people

  • Fill your mind with good books & music

  • Believe and trust in a God of your understanding

  • Spend time with you kids and love them

  • Love your spouse and friends "The Power of Love"

  • Don't watch the news or read newspapers

  • Pay close attention to the types of movies or TV Shows you watch (Garbage in Garbage Out)

  • Make a gratitude list, if you're not going to bed hungry every night you're better off than 2/3rds of the world
  • Thursday, May 19, 2011

    A Coffee MLM Company - Really?

    Recently on a 60 day sabbatical from network marketing, I made a joke with a good friend of mine in the industry that the next company I was going to jump in needed to either be a wine club or coffee company as I really enjoy drinking both.

    It wasn't 24 hours later when i got a call from one of my friends who had become a founding member of a new coffee company who offered me a position as a founding member as well. I did my due dilligence and discovered that over 50% of all adults drink coffee and that 60% of Americans prefer instant over brewed coffee (over 1.4 billion cups consumed on the planet daily). I also discovered that the company was debt free, going global (24 Countries), and had a low cost auto-ship of $50 (affordable for most everyone). I later looked at their comp-plan before I got on the phone with their master distributor and saw a pay plan like nothing I had ever laid eyes on. Truthfully, I had never seen a compensation plan, where I could see myself making over $500K in 12 months - this was the first of its kind and that was with only 1 of the 7 pay outs. Needless to say I spent the next 48 hours doing more homework and now, I can finally say that I have not been this excited about a network marketing company since I first got in the industry 4 years ago.

    Javita will be a great addition to some of the other top coffee companies in the network marketing arena: Gano Excel, Java Fit, and Oregano Gold. I think with the company's leaders James Dickerson, Donna Valdes, Phillip LeBlanc, and CEO Stan Cherelstein at the healm that we have a winner on our hands. Anyone who can see what I see and

    gets in on this groundfloor opportunity will benefit greatly over the next 12 to 24 months.

    To learn more visit my website at

    Wednesday, May 18, 2011

    The 10 most important things I have learned in Life

    In life we learn and we grow. It's been said if you think the same way you did 10 years ago, you didn't learn anything. So I just wanted to take a few minutes to share the top 10 things that I have learned in my life.

    1. There is a GOD and he is much bigger than you are I - if you don't believe me - test him.
    2. Love is the most powerful thing on the planet. It's the reason that you and I exist. Love can change the world.
    3. Don't ever put your faith in another person or become co-dependent. Sometimes better to walk away then stay, just for the sake of staying.
    4. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
    5. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
    6. Everything in moderation. If you have an addiction towards alcohol, religion, work, cigarettes, candy, people, etc... this should be broken.
    7. Choose your friends and associations wisely, as you will become like the 5 people you spend the most time with.
    8. Education is important, but not as important as self education and renewing your mind daily with good uplifting books, music, audio, etc..: The Bible, Think and Grow Rich, As a Man Thinketh, etc...
    9. You can fail at everything in life, but there is no option for failure in parenthood - love your kids and spend as much time with them as possible.
    10. Be authentic and true to yourself. Don't ever become anything to please somebody else - you will be miserable. God gave you a purpose - find it, and run with it.

    Tuesday, May 3, 2011

    The 90 Day Push....

    Have you ever heard the term "The 90 Day Push"? If not, it's a term used in network marketing to build your foundation or to get a 2nd window of opportunity to literally blow up your biz. How it works, is you basically go very very very hard for 90 days. A recruiting frenzy if you will. You recruit, recruit, recruit, and then you get others to join you. It's the way most every top income earner I have ever met has built their network marketing business.

    If your network marketing business is not where you want it to be or think it should be - why not do a 90 Day Push, where for 90 days you work harder & smarter than anyone you can think of. You go, go, go, and push, push. If you do this, and you're not stupid about it - you can set yourself up for some seriously large checks over the next 12 to 18 months. Not to mention all the Fast Start Bonus Checks you will receive weekly. Hopefully, your network marketing biz, has Fast Start - ha ha...

    If you're not happy where you currently are and you have already tried the 90 day push, it may be time to look for a new company. Many network marketers don't start to earn any real money until they get to their 3rd, 4th, or 5th company. It is pretty rare that someone will make a lot of money in their first company.

    Monday, April 25, 2011

    A Secret to Great Health!

    A few years ago, I was going through something, I had never experienced before outside of chronic back pain. I had a stomach ailment that was completely destroying my life. I honestly spent about $5,000 in tests for over a year to find out was wrong with me, but after seeing a specialist they could not come up with anything. This was about the time I made a shift and decided I had enough of Western Medicine and all of their non-sense and begun my quest of seeking out alternative practitioners. Through my frustration I came across a chiropractor who claimed he could heal me of anything, but a tumor. Most of us only think of chiropractors for back problems, but I knew he wasn't far off as my brother saw a chiropractor when he was a kid for his asthma.

    Within a few weeks of seeing this chiropractor, my stomach problem got better, within a few months, not only was the stomach problem better, but I felt better than I had in years. Recently, I went a few months without seeing my chiropractor and I noticed a huge difference in my mental health, as well as my energy levels. Now 4 years later, I can happily say that I see my chiropractor on a monthly basis and have only been to an MD for the treatment of Insomnia while I was going through a divorce. I would recommend that everyone consider the alternative of chiropractic care for optimal health for just about any ailment.

    Thursday, April 7, 2011

    Is The Law of Attraction 100% Proven???

    Ever since the movie "The Secret" came out about 5 years ago, we have a new term we like to use called "The Law of Attraction". I think it's a beautiful term that explains a theory that what we mostly get is what we think about. However, the danger of this theory is that it can be used to explain every predicament that a person has brought upon themselves. In other words that person who has cancer got it because they thought about it (and it was completely genetic, or due to their environment), or that tsunami that wiped out a village in Japan was the result of all The Villagers thinking about the tragedy before it actually happened. One of my mentors was a star of the movie "The Secret" and is now on trial for manslaughter and stands to lose everything (he's a master of "The Law of Attraction"). This is where this theory can be broken down and you can find loopholes in it. I'm not saying that it's not a good theory, but just like religion, I think it's more of a personal belief than an actual proven science. How do you explain the guy who becomes a billionaire who doesn't believe in God, or any kind of "law of attraction"? Or the jerk who treats everyone like crap, but everything he touches still turns to gold? Or what about the man who is completely positive and has amazing thoughts and does amazing things, but loses his daughter in a car accident. Did his thoughts really help create his daughters tragic accident?

    So here is a better way of looking at "The Law of Attraction" that makes a lot more sense to me and can better explain a theory with loopholes. Your thoughts are vitally important to your daily existence and can play a major part in having amazing things happen in your life, but shit will still happen to you that is out of your control - disease, death of a loved one, taxes, divorce, recession, failed business ventures, natural disasters, etc... the most important thing in life to remember - is life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

    Tuesday, March 29, 2011

    GOD is Power!

    Out of all the books I have read, probably only 2 books have ever completely changed me, "The Bible", and "As a man Thinketh". The problem with religion is it makes you think you're weak and that you need God, but the truth is you were created in God's image and if God created the world he gave you the power to do amazing things as well. God loves the dreamers, the visionaries, and those that think BIG, because that is how GOD Thinks. If you're going to say you have a relationship with GOD, you must have faith and knowledge of the creator of the universe. If he really did create the world in 6 days - than he is an amazing GOD. If he really did breath life into you, then you need to know that he has a purpose for your life, because everything in our world was designed with a purpose, "The Clock on the wall, The couch you sit on, The computer you use to surf the internet, The dolphin that swims through the waves. Fortunately, you have a brain and if you're

    in connection with GOD, he will show you your purpose. It may not be exactly what you think it is, but when you find it, that is when you can start to do the impossible. Become like God is to think like GOD, to know God is to understand that he is very very very very very BIG and you're a part of him. So go out and find your purpose and with faith you can move mountains.

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    You're never to old to start Dreaming

    Yesterday is as dead as those who served in The Civil War. Even if you've screwed up a billion times, the beauty is everyday you get to start over. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. Pursue your dreams, so you don't die with the music still inside of you (the greatest tragedy of all). One of my good friends who is 59 didn't start playing drums until he was 51 and now plays in rock bands all over town. I learned of a man who at 55 went back to college, so he could pursue his dream of playing college football (He plays linebacker on the college team). I met a man a few months ago who didn't make his first record until he was 85. His CD sits on my dash daily to remind me that you can do almost anything you put your mind to.

    Thursday, March 17, 2011

    Are you in The Matrix?

    Take the red pill or the blue pill? The blue pill guarantees you a mediocre life - you will never amount to much more than your neighbors, you will never question the system, but you will always have a job and safety as your security will be in the system that you, your parents, and grandparents were mostly a part of. Take the blue pill and you will learn the truth about the possibilities that exist - expand your consciousness and stretch your limits & beliefs to heights you could never imagine. You might be frightened by the truth, but as a Jedi, you will learn to make it. You have no guarantees when you unplug from the system, but your mindset will be strong and you will be able to create possibilities beyond your wildest dreams, which are now be hijacked by The System which you are a prisoner to - which pill would you like to take?

    If you choose the blue pill - you should never even consider doing anything that requires risk or stepping out of your comfort zone (outside of buying a home or maybe a car). You will probably die with the music still inside of you, but you can go to the grave knowing you didn't shake much up and always were safe (at least you thought so).

    If you choose the red pill - you can step out and do anything you put your mind to. Your friends and neighbors will think you're nuts as they are plugged into the system, but those that have taken The Red Pill will hold your hand, take your calls, and even partner with you from time to time. You will not be alone. Just remember though that only a small percentage of people will choose the red pill, so you will be outnumbered and other peoples opinions may send you back into the system, as fear could paralyze you. But through fellowship with like minded individuals, positive reading, and renewing your mind daily, you should stand strong and not go back into the matrix, like so many do.

    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    The Power of Letting Go

    There are times in our lives when we may hit brick walls. Sometimes pushing too hard makes things even tougher on ourselves and can wreak havoc on us mentally as some road blocks are just simply too large for us to handle on our own. As a true believer in a Supreme Being, I know that letting go of my problems or obstacles that are too big for me to handle on my own can be much more powerful than pushing on - I call it turning it over. I don't care who you are - wealthy, poor, middle class - we all have problems. Some have more than others, but we all go through seasons in our lives that may present difficult situations. Contrary to what many of the New Age & Self Help Guru's preach that our thoughts are everything - I don't buy into that philosophy at all times. As I know I am not the CEO of my universe and that there is a GOD who is all knowing and maybe has plans that are better than my own. As a matter of fact, if you want to make God Laugh, tell him your plans - ha ha. Seriously though, maybe your business is suffering due to the economy, you're going through a divorce, you have problems with alcohol abuse or addiction, rebel teenagers, a boss you don't like, or maybe you have a huge tax bill staring you in the face.

    When we experience problems or situations that are bigger than us - This is when you want to take your problems and simply turn them over to the God of your understanding. You would just say something along the lines of - "God, this problem is bigger than I can handle and I need your help and guidance." If you can do that, I can promise you that on the other side there will be a solution and this is when miracles start to happen. You must first believe in a power greater than yourself, than simply turn your problem or obstacle over and you will experience - The Power of Letting Go.

    I'm here to tell you TODAY that you NO LONGER have to remain in control of everything at all times and that you can and will experience The Power of Letting Go, when you are ready to step down from being The CEO of your life.

    Friday, March 4, 2011

    Is it really your fault when you fail?

    I disagree with all these people who say if you fail in one company it's your fault. At 20, I got a job selling cars and barely made $900 my first month, I quit and went to another store and made quadruple that in 30 days. I was doing network marketing a few months back with one company and didn't make much money over the 90 days I was doing it. I left to go to another company and made 10 times the amount of money in less than 30 days. I sold homes 3 years ago while living in Australia and didn't make 1 sale for 5 months with my office. Went to another office and sold 3 homes in my first 30 days.

    My point is that a lot of times it's not you, but it could be that one size doesn't fit everyone. Only a very small percentage of people can sell anything. You must not only believe in yourself, but the company your representing. If you see things in your company that you don't like going on that will play out to your prospects and therefore cause you not to have the enthusiasm or excitement necessary to make a sale. Sometimes, knowing when to quit is smarter than sticking it out. I know from experience that, no matter what you're doing you must be passionate about it. So don't beat yourself up if you've failed a few times, it's not always your fault.

    Friday, February 18, 2011

    Managing your Facebook Fan Page

    If you've decided your popularity can no longer contain itself on it's own Facebook Page or your contemplating setting up a Fan Page for your biz, you need to see what I have come across. Up until now, you pretty much have been forced to manage your Facebook Fan Page by going to your main page and doing a look-up to see if there are any comments or posts that you need to respond to. No longer thanks to a new App called Hyper Alerts (now in The Beta Phase). All you need to do is go to their main website at

    and register your fan pages. Now anytime someone posts or makes a comment you will know about it without having to actually check your fan page when you're on Facebook. Hope this helps those of you that are looking to become Social Media Superstars.

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    The Optimist Creed

    The Optimist Creed by Charles D. Larson

    Promise Yourself
    To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

    To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.

    To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.

    To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.

    To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.

    To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

    To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

    To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.

    To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

    To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

    A Great Way to Get FREE Leads Everyday

    I have taught my methods for getting free leads via the internet everyday to many. And many have had great success using my methods. I actually test them before I teach them, to make sure they do actually work. One thing you can do to help you get more leads is Guest Blogging. What is guest blogging? Guest blogging is simply leaving a comment on someone else's blog. Not only will this get you more attention in the search engines, but you will also connect with others with the same interests and some actually go to your website and join your list. So where do you start?

  • Go to your favorite blog pages

  • Comment with intelligence

  • leave your website & pic

  • Do this at least 3 to 5 times per day on different blogs

  • For more tips on generating leads everyday for your biz, go to

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    Become an Entrepreneur - It may be your saving grace.

    If you have been watching the news lately, which I recommend only watching very rarely, you would notice that our economy is still not doing all that great. Bernanke (Chairman of The Federal Reserve) even went on the record recently to state that it would be very many years before our job market would strengthen back to normal hiring levels. It's still the worst economy in many years at least in terms of employment.

    I think now it is more important then ever to create a Plan B (back-up strategy). In other words if you think your employer, government, or anyone has got your back - think again. The number one skill you can acquire during these difficult times is the skill of becoming The CEO of YOU. That's right, you need to start thinking and acting like an entrepreneur. If not, you may find yourself dependent on everyone but you. You might be saying, I hate being pushy, or sales, or starting a business. An entrepreneur basically, just thinks outside of the box and capitalizes on their hobbies, strengths, money, etc...

    Truthfully, most of the entrepreneurs I know who are very successful are not all that bright, at least not that book smart. But they have a strong unshakable belief in themselves. They are not usually dependent on anyone. And many don't even have a higher education degree, although they employ such.

    So start thinking out of the box and key in on your talents & strengths and find areas where you could create other income streams without going deep into debt in 2011. This may be your saving grace as we enter into a new era.

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    GO BIG or Stay HOME...

    Did you know that 80% of most people in our industry never even earn a check. Most recently I trained one guy who implemented a few of my techniques and he earned over $3000 last week. But the unfortunate truth is that most don't even earn a dime in our industry.

    Just read an email this morning from Mike Klingler about all the years he didn't make money in our industry and struggled to make it, even putting his rent money up for his first Biz Opp and receiving a 72 hour eviction notice at the same time - he now earns millions. Randy Gage who now earns a million + a year took 5 years to make money in our industry. My current biz partner who's worst month last year was $50K ended up broke and bankrupt after 4 years of plugging away full-time in Network Marketing and not making even minimum wage. Jonathan Budd made only a few hundred bucks his first few years in MLM and now earns 7 figures. Corey Citron of Yoli was maxed out on credit cards and barely making it after his first few years in MLM - he is now very successful. Than there is Mike Dillard, 7 years of barely any income before he ever hit the BIG TIME and made his millions. My former biz partner Eric Worre who was broke 5 years ago and using his parents American Express to build his Agel Empire, he also had to rebuild his first MLM 7 times before he made any real money in the industry. He is now a 7 figure income earner and the creator of And of course my final story and most favorite belongs to Eric Allen my very first successful mentor at Zrii who called me 7 times to get me to join up - ha ha. Eric quit his career as a teacher and basketball coach to do network marketing full-time while depleting his entire Teacher 401K account before he started to make money. He is now a top income earner in the industry.

    The stories go on, but my point is that unless you are willing to put it all on the line, stay at the office. You'll save us all a bunch of grief and you will be much happier.


    John Lowery

    Prioritizing and Creating A Critical Shift

    Tuesday, January 25, 2011

    Shark, Dolphin, or Whale??

    I recently attended a Network Marketing Event for a Health & Wellness Company I'm involved with and we learned about the different personality types. We are all asked to take a test to determine what type we were and how we could recognize other types to market or sell to. It's no surprise to me that I learned that I was a shark. I was kind of surprised as I though I would be more of a Whale, but the proof is in the pudding.

    Here are the different types of personalities divided into 3 categories based on their type.

    A Shark is someone who is highly motivated by money, freedom, and recognition. He or she can take a lot, has a "thick skin," is ambitious and aggressive. The shark is not interested in the details, usually impatient and may come off as abrasive. They dress sharp and drive expensive cars. They wear high-end designer clothes and jewelry.

    The Whale is more motivated by helping and serving others. He or she would love to change the world if given the opportunity. They are very compassionate, patient, kind and thoughtful. They are less interested in how fast something gets done (lacking urgency) but rather how well it is done and how it serves the greater good. These people are often shy or timid and can be emotional; wearing their emotions on their sleeves so-to-speak. They dress to blend in, very conservative and earth tones.

    Next, there is the Dolphin. My friend Sandy is definitely one of these. She is motivated by anything social, fun and exciting. The dolphin-type is popular and has a lot of friends and acquaintances. He or she is very outgoing and charismatic. On the downside, they are late for everything, very disorganized and don't have the attention span for too many details. They wear trendy clothes, often bright colors and can be very conspicuous in a crowd.

    Which are you a shark, whale, or dolphin?

    I looked online to find the test, but could not find. I took my test offline. If you find it, let me know and post it on my blog.

    Time Management Tips

    Tuesday, January 18, 2011

    Training an 8 year old on Internet Marketing

    What I Really Don't Like About Network Marketing

    My goal this year is to open up the Iron Curtain of MLM from time to time. So here it goes. Are you making money in your current network marketing venture? If not, it may not be you. Did you know I have made thousands in some comp plans and not made a dime in others, or very little money. Yes, your comp plan may be terrible. Your products may not be very good or way overpriced compared to what's in the marketplace - NO DEMAND. You see in MARKETING perception is everything. If you have to apologize for the price of your products every time you share them, you may be marketing a loser. Yes Network Marketing can work with lousy products. It's called the Placebo effect. I can put together a product and tell people how wonderful it is with good packaging and a Celebrity Endorsement and I'm off to the races.

    So here is what I have learned in the past few years as I have worked directly with the top income earners in our industry and gone way underground to examine the industry for what it really is.

    People can no longer wait 3 to 5 years to build a residual income to be able to maybe one day walk away from their jobs. The real unemployment here in The US is closer to 25% and those that aren't unemployed are praying they don't get downsized or kicked to the curb by their employer. So what I am getting at is unless you have lots of disposable income on hand to build a business, you need a business that can pay you at a very minimum part-time wages in your first 30 to 60 days - preferably full-time.

    You see, your upline doesn't want to tell you the truth, but truthfully most comp plans won't pay you enough to make it worth your time for at least a year or more (the spreads are just way too big). So here is my challenge to you for 2011. Examine your income versus your time. If you are working your tail off and not even making minimum wage for your efforts, you probably have a terrible compensation plan. Again, if you're unable to recruit, that is only because you don't understand 1 thing. I know the secret to that as well.

    Continue to work on yourself, but at the same time treat your business like an entrepreneur. I personally don't build just 1 Company, that to me is no different than just having a job. What happens if the company gets bought out, or goes bust. I've watched my income go down by 90% overnight due to a major change to a compensation plan. Become an entrepreneur first and examine your results. Time is all you have, don't waste it.

    Saturday, January 8, 2011

    Ways to leverage and eliminate wasted time on Social Media

    It's been said that some men now actually prefer Facebook over sex. I can tell you from being on Social Media Sites for more than a few years that it can become a distraction in your life. The average social media user checks their social media sites on average of 5 times per day. I've actually watched my last marriage decline due to my social media activity and have had some difficulty in past relationships due to becoming too public with my relationships on Facebook. With all of my distractions from Social Media, I will say I still am a much sought after expert on the topic of social media. Here are a few tips to make 2011 a great year on Social Media:

  • Only be on a few Social Media Sites. (Pick your 2 favorites and run with it). I personally, like Twitter and Facebook the best.

  • Only Check your Social Media Pages, Emails, etc... a few times per day. (morning, afternoon, night).

  • Don't spend more than 30 minutes each time you get on your Social Media Site (unless you're having a meaningful chat with a friend or family member)

  • If you find you're spending way too much time on Social Media Sites, and it's interfering with your life in a negative way, use a timer.

  • Use your Iphone or Smartphone for updates

  • If you're using Social Media for Business, use the 80/20 rule (80% of your tweets and updates should either give value or personal taste, if you must advertise your biz, no more than 20% of the time)

  • If you want to promote your biz, set up a fan page or twitter page - specifically for that

  • Social Media can be fun, but can also become an addiction and relationship destroyer if you're not careful.

    Monday, January 3, 2011

    Make Activity Goals for 2011 for your sales or network marketing biz

    Make activity goals for 2011. For example my goal is to have 50 opt-ins to my landing page per day 5 days per week (250 new leads per week minimum). I don't focus so much on sign-ups anymore, as I know it's just a numbers game. Some will, some won't, so what, who's next. How many people are you going to talk to per day? Maybe you need to talk to a minimum of 10 people per day, or 20. All I can say is that if you don't prospect in 2011, nothing is going to happen for you and your business. I've been in network marketing for over 3 years now, and I can tell you that the only difference between those who make money and those who don't is 3 things:

    1) Daily Activity (cannot work business sometimes)
    2) Mindset
    3) System that does most of the selling for you or live events (only 3% like to sell)

    To a successful 2011,

    John Lowery