Whether you are involved in network marketing, affiliate marketing, internet marketing, or just simply want to learn more about effective marketing & personal development techniques to grow your business, you have come to the right place.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
The Different Types of Network Marketers
You know in some circles if you go around telling people you are involved in network marketing you would be considered a leper. But for many of us who have gone past the stage of what will my family or friends think, you are more than likely either making some money or alot of money in the network marketing industry. After spending the last 5 years involved in the industry and now making a full-time income as a network marketing trainer and even a distributor, I can now declare myself an expert on the field of network marketing which we also call - MLM, Multi-level Marketing, referral marketing, direct sales, and relationship marketing. Some call it a pyramid, but that's a subject for another blog.
Most legitimate network marketing companies have strict guidelines enforced to keep them compliant, so they won't face any heat from any of The Federal Trade Commissions and if they are smart they would be members of The Direct Selling Industry.
I have also found that there are several different types of personalities involved in the network marketing industry and have broken them down based on what I have seen - Good or Bad - it is what it is. So here we go:
The Newbie - This is someone who has never done network marketing, they like the idea of creating extra income and will usually only do well early on if they follow a system. Statistically speaking most people in MLM take a few rodeos, before they many any money, but many newbies find success right away. It usually depends on 3 factors - ability to follow system, sphere of influence, and work ethic. With all 3 your newbie could be your next MLM Superstar.The Loyalist - These people typically will follow others and if you say the product is great, they will believe you. They are some of your most loyal distributors and will always attend events and more than likely use and share the products. These folks just like being a part of something bigger than them, and it isn't so much about the money. They get their product for free or make an extra $100 to $1500 per month. Most people in MLM fall into this category if they have been with a company for more than 90 Days and are more dedicated than the failure or the customer. Some of these folks move onto MLM Superstar Status, or just become loyal customers.
The MLM Junkie - These people usually don't stay at a company long enough to make any money, but will always be looking for the next big deal. They are like gamblers who never win, but never quit. I think they are just addicted to the idea that network marketing will one day pay off for them. And sure they get a few wins here and there, but they never make any real money that lasts for more than a few months. They are always looking to win that lottery and never put the blinders on.
The Shark - This guy or gal is a recruiting machine and will generally bug you until you say YES. They don't take NO for an answer. And as soon as you give them your credit card, you never hear from them again. They are usually pushy salespeople types who have no idea how or want to help other people. They are in it for a quick buck and will never make big money long term, but will tear it up short term. A few may get lucky and even sponsor a big hitter.
The MLM Failure- This person has never made a dime in MLM. They simply join a company and look for the easy way to do it and try to re-invent the wheel. These people usually suffer from paralysis by analysis and will give you every reason why they don't prospect, but can quote every top notch network marketer by name and have probably spent more money on seminars and books then most do on a college degrees, but they miss the 2nd most important component - that you must work. Some will get it and move on to the loyalist or MLM Superstar category.
The One-time MLM Superstar - These are the guys who have had prior success in a company and want everyone to know about it. They are probably well-known in the industry and haven't had any success in quite awhile, they may even be BROKE. They are usually looking for a deal. They won't join an MLM without some up-front money as they usually need it, due to their financial situation being so bad. Most resent these networkers for getting a deal, but that's the way the biz goes. Personally, from experience I would never pay anyone to join my MLM Business, but you generally can't recruit these guys unless you offer them something.
The MLM Star - These are the ones who make a full-time income in MLM. They have generally had success outside of network marketing, so they just use their previous success to build their business. This would be a celebrity, athlete, public speaker, realtor, mayor, pastor, etc.. People flock to these people because of their professions, credibility, or fame. These people can build an MLM effortlessly, but in most cases won't quit their profession for it. But you want these guys on your team - they will BUILD Large in most cases, at least recruit a ton.
The MLM Superstar - These are the ones who somehow hit the 3% of our industry. They are gifted, disciplined, and love helping others. They never quit, although I am sure most wanted to at some point in their careers. They probably did not see success early on at the same rate as The MLM Star, but they are the ones you generally see walking the stage - getting awards, car bonuses, and checks. These people generally make a full-time income in MLM and/or a ton of money (6 & 7 Figure Income Earners). Most of these folks have been in the industry for more than 3 to 5 years and probably learned from getting bruised up in one of the other categories. They are generally good people with big hearts, but still many in this category are self serving.
Well there you have the different types of individuals that make up The Network Marketing Profession. I'm sure there are others, but these are the ones that come to mind.Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Are you Really Living a Life of Freedom?
If you'd like to start living a life of FREEDOM Click Here.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
When I joined my first network marketing company 6 years ago and bought my first batch of leads, I will never forget spending countless hours chasing the wrong types of people to join my opportunity. This always resulted in failure or people who felt sorry for me, or to keep me from chasing them to simply hand over their credit card and join our company and I would never hear from them again. Since then I have gone on to build teams of thousands, but it took a lot of trial and error to learn this business and I certainly was not an overnight success.
I believe that unless all the people in your downline are housewives who just love to talk to all their friends and have huge networks, you will have to resort to recruiting people, more than likely outside of your own network to make any real money in network marketing. I'd like to save you 3 to 5 years of frustration of the type of people you don't want to recruit into your business even if it means sacrificing some up front commission. Unfortunately, these types of people probably make up a majority of the people that are either in your organization or people that you are chasing right NOW and my words to you are STOP. I've only ever seen 1 guy that is in the group below ever do anything and he quit after 30 days. Again if you are chasing people like the ones described below STOP NOW. Now if they approach you and they have a big enough WHY, of course don't turn them away, but again DON'T go out of your way to sponsor them. The truth hurts, but someone has to tell you.
The Types of People listed below you do not want to RECRUIT For your MLM Business.
There you go. I just saved you a few years of working in the wrong direction.
If you'd like to work with me and you're not in the group I just described than email me or visit my website at http://www.thehomebiz4you.com to learn about the most exciting home based business in North America today.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
How I Network
"The Rich Build Networks, everyone else looks for work". Robert Kiyosaki (author Rich Dad, Poor Dad)
Monday, May 21, 2012
Why Customers are so Important....
If you're struggling to recruit business builders into your biz, turn your focus to customers. Customers are the lifeblood of any business and should be a big part of your business. Customers are also much much easier to acquire for the new person just getting started in the industry. If you can't attract customers to your business, you might really want to look at your company numbers in terms of customer acquisition. Unfortunately, many products in the direct selling industry would not sell if there were not a biz opportunity attached to it. I know, as I have been in companies like that previously I would not be in a company like that again today.
Another great reason to recruit customers is if people like the product they tend to re-order, especially if your product is a consumable. I've also had a few customers turn into distributors, which can even add more dollars to your bank account. Once somebody is hooked on the product, it is always much easier to get them hooked on the business opportunity as well.
If you're interested in a home based business or feel your products in your company are not really all that attractive outside of your distributor camp then check out my business, where we have a 9 to 1 customer acquisition (2nd highest in the industry) http://www.thehomebiz4you.com
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Whats The Best MLM?
Friday, February 17, 2012
Why I chose Visalus over all The many other opportunities?
Back in July of last year I came to the realization that my latest network marketing venture was in dire straits. I watched my downline of over 200 people crumble overnight. Was it the product, the opportunity, etc. I watched my check vanish, leaders leave, and now I was left with a decision to I continue to build here or look elsewhere. I tried to rally the troops, but most were onto something else. I thought if I could just get 5 new builders, I would be fine. Than it hit me. What is the definition of insanity, "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". I kept hearing this isn't the first time this has happened to me? As a matter of fact it was like the 3rd or 4th. What was I to do? I quit, but didn't announce it for almost 90 days.
I thought of everything I had done in this industry good, bad, and crazy. I thought of all the companies I could run with. I met with company owners, I met with master distributors, I had offers on the table - it all looked good. But I knew one thing had to be in place for me to launch my biz - MOMENTUM. None of the companies I looked at had Momentum. I knew the company could not be a start-up - 99% chance of failure. I knew the company had to have a product that people would buy without a business opportunity attached to it. I knew the company had to be Global or have plans of going global in the next few years. I knew the company had to have good leadership, training, history. I wanted a company where the average person had a fighting chance to build a legacy for their family.
Only 1 company out of 25 or so that I looked at had all the above and that was Visalus Sciences. I went to my first event in Atlanta and met a few of the owners, leaders, etc. I was blown away by all of the people that were joining this company. I saw Momentum, I saw leadership, I saw a 9 to 1 customer acquisition, I saw a 7 year old baby being born backed by a Billion Dollar Giant Blyth.
I'm here to tell you 90 days since I joined the company that I made a great decision and my wish for you is that if you're looking for a network marketing company that you consider Visalus, because they are the real deal and you will never have more fun building a business.
For more information on Visalus visit my website at http://www.thehomebiz4you.com
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Are You Really Self Employed in Network Marketing?
Why network marketing could be a great option for many is that with network marketing you get to make your own hours, low start-up costs, and great tax benefits. Monthly overhead ranges from as low as $50 per month. Don't know of too many businesses that you can start in for as little as $50 per month. Also, allows you time freedom to pursue other things or spend more time with the people you love.
Unfortunately, if you're a W-2 employee you pay by far the most income tax of anyone in the US and get no tax breaks, so this is probably one of the worst ways to employ yourself. Most don't have the drive or ambition to succeed outside of the workplace, so for many this is the best option, but you are always vulnerable to lay-off's, downsizing, or other unforeseen events. This is why even if you're employed, you may want to consider in your spare time creating a Plan B. A Plan B would always be there to fall back on in the event you were to ever lose your job, plus Plan B forces you to have to be innovative and competitive, so these new entrepreneurial skills can help you perform at a much higher level at your JOB.
If you'd like to learn more about starting an affordable home based business visit http://www.thehomebiz4you.com
Monday, January 23, 2012
Can you Successfully Build More Than 1 Network Marketing Company....
Many experts say to only do 1 MLM and not many as you will become distracted and won't be successful. And I agree with that philosophy. You wouldn't buy a McDonald's Franchise than go and buy a Subway Franchise and try to build them together at the same time. But after you get the McDonald's Store in profit and have a good management team - your time at that one location becomes less valuable. Its the same in network marketing, but must be careful in promoting products or services that compete with each other as this could make it difficult for you to legally keep your current distributorship.
We all have been made aware of the subject of Multiple Streams of Income and I think many in The Network Marketing Industry confuse this with Multiple Network Marketing Companies. Yes you can build more than one company, but you better build 1 first, before you start to build another.
If you'd like to learn what I am up to visit http://www.thehomebiz4you.com and get positioned on one of the fastest growing teams in the company.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Why I am Quitting Visalus
Not really, but now that I've got your attention, let me tell you even with all the hype out there on the internet today only a small percentage of people make money in network marketing. The reason being is simple if you don't have a powerful marketing system and a way to generate leads after you go through your warm market, you might be screwed.
The Good news is it doesn't have to be this way, and Visalus has created a powerful marketing system for you to share with people you know. The problem with their marketing systems is it's DEAD too unless you have an audience to put your marketing message in front of. I personally know how to generate 20 to 25 leads per day effortlessly via Facebook, Twitter, and online classified ads. This doesn't cost me a penny and I can show anyone on my team how to do it.
So the choice is yours as how your going to do Visalus, but unfortunately joining with a so called Guru is the kiss of death as they won't have time to take your calls and train you properly on how to really make money in network marketing. And if they only know offline methods, I hope you're a very influential person and have a very ripe warm market.
To learn more visit http://www.thehomebiz4you.com and contact me directly for a confidential interview.
If you have no interest in Visalus, but are struggling in network marketing, make sure to sign up for my Free 30 Day MLM Bootcamp where I teach you Hybrid Network Marketing (offline & online methods).
Monday, January 2, 2012
The Optimist Creed
The Optimist Creed
Promise Yourself ...
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.