I have been following the events lately of James Arthur Ray one of the top self help guru's in the world. Remember the movie The Secret? In case you didn't know James Ray has been locked up in jail for over a week now in Arizona as he is being charged for 3 counts of manslaughter. I personally, invested a few thousand dollars last year to go and see James Ray 2 times, and I can honestly say that he was great!
Fortunately, I was able to meet James at one of the events and I just don't think he needs to be locked up. Yes, this was a horrible tragedy and yes the deaths could have probably been prevented, but I think to charge James Ray criminally is wrong. This should be a civil matter between the families of the victims and Mr. Ray. Certainly, I cannot see how they can hold him responsible for the deaths when each person could have left the tent on their own. The only way I could see him being responsible is if he actually closed the entryway and kept people from leaving and held them hostage. These people were all adults. I had to sign a 2 or 3 page liability release when I attended one of James 3 day seminars. We were told while attending this event that the Spiritual Warrior Event was the toughest of them all. I'm sure most people knew what they were getting into. anyhow would love to hear your comments below.
Dude, I also spent a few thousand with James Ray however I think he is did something very wrong ... Take a look at some videos
I continue to pray for and hold in my heart James and his family, Liz and the others that passed and their respective families, others that attended including employees of James, the owner's of the retreat, ALL that have been affected and continue to be affected. I hope for emotional and spiritual healing for lessons to be learned and wisdom to be gained; and ask for a fair, open and just legal process going forward. Luis
In today's times people are just out to make someone pay. It was their time to go back to source whether it was through a medium that was used or if it was a bus. James is just the vehicle that was used. It is sad to think that people are just not aware of the dangers of self improvement.
I feel like there is "some" responsibility because he was in a position of some kind of perceived authority. However, you are right, they did have the ability to leave on their own volition and chose not to. We are responsible for our own health and bodies and should not allow what anyone says to encroach upon our free will and personal autonomy.
I would agree with a civil suit but criminal is really stretching it because, like you said, he did not hold anyone hostage against their will and their was a waiver.
* They called out "Kirby can't breathe" and "Kirby needs help." James Ray's response (while closing the flap), "This round is begun, you can't help her until the round is over." (At the end of the round she was most likely dead)
* He prided himself on having the hottest sweat lodge, and in fact made it hotter AFTER a 2005 participant suffered heat stroke, and in 2008 when about 20 people needed medial assistance.
* They did not make a point to hire or pay ANY medical professionals, even after these injuries.
There are hundredes of pages of evidence. James himself has never spoken to the police. Employees said evidence was destroyed. But I'm sure nothing criminal happened -- no way....
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