Do you have a back up plan? No really, do you have a back up plan? I usually like to stay on the positive, but with all the businesses failing lately and people losing their jobs in The US, I cannot ignore this any longer. Do you have a Back Up Plan? If you were to lose your job or your current business were to go under, or worse yet your pension (yes people are losing their pensions), social security (the government could run out of money and deplete these programs), 401K (That is all I have to say) do you have a way to sustain yourself for a year or two, while you get back on your feet?
Why network marketing? Here is why I recommend network marketing as a viable back up plan, while you continue to work your regular job, or business. As a matter of fact, I would never recommend that anyone start network marketing full-time unless they have capital. This is a business folks. Below is why you should consider network marketing.
* Low start up costs (usually less then $500)
* Low maintenance (few hundred a month including products)
* Tax write offs (why give anymore money to the IRS than you are giving?)
* Improving People Skills (You will develop skills that will make you much more valuable)
* Immediate cash (Many companies now offer Fast Start Bonuses)
* Long term Passive residual income (This is the same income most of the rich have)
It's funny how most of us have been programmed that anything that shows up as an opportunity would be considered a scam. If our industry was a scam, I doubt very much that the Orlando Magic would be playing basketball in The Amway Arena. Or that David Beckham the worlds most popular soccer player would wear The Herbalife Logo on his jersey. But still everyday when I am talking to people they want to tell me how our industry is a scam. I think the main reason for this is people have either been burned in the past, or it has happened to a loved one. So rather than keeping an open mind like a parachute, they will continually miss out on opportunities.
Here is my final advice to help you move forward as the world's economy is now changing (duh!).
* Keep an open mind (The business landscape is changing)
* Get a back up plan (Even if it's not network marketing)
* Start learning tax laws (Most of the rich know them, why shouldn't you)
* Don't ever, ever, ever, ever quit (Try to step back and look at the big picture)
I don't care what anyone says network marketing is a great industry and I have many friends who have made millions in network marketing. If you feel like you would like to participate and make this your back up plan, contact me or another leader to learn how you can get started on your way to creating passive residual income.
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