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Friday, May 14, 2010
Your Calling
Have you discovered your calling? Most are searching for something outside of themselves. Few have truly risen to their full potential in their lifetime. I think the key to leading a prosperous life financially and finding true fulfillment is by finding your calling. The more value you give to society, the more the Universe will pay you in return. You see money, is simply a bi-product or your talents & skills. So it would make sense that the more value you bring to others the more that you will be financially rewarded. Some may say, "I'm too old", or "I'm not pretty enough", or "I don't have the right education". Let me just say, that unless you are aiming for a career in The NBA or The PGA, you can probably acheive most anything you put your mind to. And if you really had a talent for basketball and were a complete stand-out from the crowd, you might even be able to acheive that as well despite great obstacles. There is a great movie called "The Rookie" about a junior high school teacher who never achieved his dream of playing major league baseball, and at 38 years of age does the impossible and makes it to the majors. You see, your calling doesn't ever have to stop because of age, circumstances, or anything. If you really want something go after it.
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