So you've decided to do network marketing. You went to the meeting you saw the images of sitting on a beach drinking pina coladas while your children play in the sand. I'm going to just say for a few minutes that these images are great, but they are not real. Not in the beginning, not in the very least. Network marketing is not easy. It really is not easy. It's taken me 3 to 4 years of constant study and making many mistakes to figure it out. I guess that isn't too bad considering it takes most people 4 years of education to earn a degree so they can get an entry level job that pays maybe $30 - $50K per year.
So how do you make money in network marketing? Here is how you do it, and it is so simple. Only work with those people who want to do network marketing. I'll say it again, only work with those people who want to do network marketing. Many people do not like network marketing and they certainly don't want to do it, so quit wasting your time with those people. Think of yourself like a miner for gold. Except your gold is highly motivated, coachable individuals who want to do this business. Don't convince, don't lie, don't jump through hoops, just put people through a simple system of showing them the opportunity and let them sell themselves. Your job isn't to sign people up, your job is to present and let people sign themselves up. This will save you years of grief and you will always bring in the right people. The wrong people will just waste your time and slow you down. Your job doesn't end after someone signs up for your business - it begins.
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