Friday, May 8, 2009

Business Language

If your in sales or network marketing and you enter the world of prospecting you are going to find that everybody has a preference of how to communicate. For example you may leave 3 or 4 messages for someone and they won't return your calls, but send them an email and you may hear back immediately. Just because one person responds well to the phone doesn't mean that another person will. I have one business partner who primarily only responds to email. I have a business client who only likes to talk on the phone. My personal preference is email, or chatting, but just because that is my preference doesn't mean that will be your prospects, clients, or business partner. Some people will only do business face to face, they are rare, but they are out there. So the next time you are prospecting or training, start to pay attention to how your clients, prospects, and partners respond and learn their business language.

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