Sunday, January 24, 2010

Are you grateful?

I was coming out of McDonald's today with my 7 year old son who got upset because I wouldn't buy him his 2nd ice cream cone. He was really really upset. Than I blurted out, "do you know that a 150,000 people are dead because of an earthquake in Haiti?" He looked up at me like, "what does that have to do with my ice cream?" I explained to him that you are such a blessed little boy. You got to go see the movie The Tooth Fairy, then you got to go to McDonald's (your favorite place), eat a happy meal, and play with friends. I explained to him that many of the children in Haiti have been orphaned and don't even have parents now. It might have been poor judgement to share that tragedy with a 7 year old boy. But I also don't want my son to end up a spoiled brat like so many kids in the US, thinking that they are entitled to anything they so desire. Unfortunately, I've already started him on that path due to all the luxuries we are surrounded by. So why not start explaining to him now at 7 that not everyone in the world gets everything they want. It took me up until I was 15 years of age (younger than most) when I was fortunate enough to go on a mission trip with my church to Mexico and realize that there were people in the world who had no electricity in their house, no TV, and no running water.

A lot of people in the world today are struggling, economies are collapsing, and many children are being orphaned, not just in Haiti. Did you know if you have a roof over your head and don't go to bed hungry every night, you are actually better off than 2/3rd's of the world population? If you have money in the bank, you are probably in the top 2% considering wealth. If you have a car, your really doing well. Many live on less than $2 a day in some of the world's poorest populations.

The point of this letter is not really about my 7 year old son and our discussion at McDonald's, or about how bad people have it - but it's about gratitude. It's been said that if you are not in a grateful state you will not receive any more than you already have. I don't know if I necessarily believe that to be 100% true, as I know of many ungrateful people who seem to always have more than they need. But the point of it all, is to take time out of your day from time to time and just be grateful. Grateful for your family, grateful for your spouse, grateful for your parents (dead or alive), grateful for your teachers, grateful for your home, grateful for your children, grateful for your job, grateful for your boss, grateful for your friends, and grateful for your health. Life is short, so its been said, at least, I've never met anyone who lived to more than 95 in my lifetime. Isn't it time you spent the next few days, weeks, or months on the things you have vs. the things you don't have. I'm sure we all have New Years Resolutions to make more money, or get a better job, or lose 20 Lbs. But until you develop a space of gratitude in your heart and mind, those things may not show up. I can almost positively say that if you come from a grateful heart everyday vs. a wanting more heart - that you will attract more abundance into your life.

Be grateful today and don't forget those around us, who are part of our global community who are much less fortunate.


Indigo Realm said...

So true - it is always the right time to teach the young every of gratitude and remind ourselves how fortunate we are and then give back to the universe to give to others less fortunate.

claraes said...

I am proud of you for teaching your son that lesson. Many adults don't give a lot of thought to how much we are blessed with here in the US, so they teach their kids by example how to be greedy. i know about the people you speak of who seem to have everything, yet not grateful for what they have. But they don't have what we have, and I would much rather have peace in my heart than money in the bank.
Thank you for the post...blessings always.

Unknown said...

so true...

Gloria Ives said...

I always try to start with the most basic things like, the sun shining
after a yesterday and most of today filled with rain.
And when I went outdoors finally,
after the rain,
I was blessed to find out it was 59 degrees
here in Philadelphia.
Food on the table,
kids who are healthy.
It's all a plus.

Unknown said...

Great post and thank you for taking the time with your son at such a young age! Be well and grateful, great job!

You Decide Success said...

Thanks John for sharing your story and although probably confronting for a 7 year old it is a reality of life and certainly I know my 3 year old expects everything on demand and we are learning to say no and limit choices so that he learns to appreciate just how wonderful his life really is. Some times in parenting you have to be cruel to be kind.

MaryJo the Medium said...

Very nice John. I actally did away with my TV for three months to cut back and bring things back into perspective. It gave my son a new view of the world and gave us extra time together. Thanks!
Mary Jo Briggs

Sharon Lippincott said...

I'm grateful that parents like you are bringing gratitude to the younger generation! I wish I'd known more about it when my children are younger, but I'm grateful that we are all learning now!