Monday, August 31, 2009

Personal Development

Hope everyone is doing well. Usually the last day of the month is always a time for me to reflect on what I could have done differently over the past 30 days. Or work my tail off if I haven't hit my monthly goals. Fortunately that hasn't been the case this month.

I went to an evening seminar last week with noted self help guru James Ray and realized I had been putting all of my time into working and not growing. You know the truth of it all, is that I had not invested any money into personal development or coaching for at least 3 months. That hit me hard, because if your not continually investing in yourself to be better, you will become content. Noted Speaker & Trainer Brian Tracy says you need to invest at least 3% of your annual income back into you. I think it should be closer to 5%.

Anyhow, when you become content you quit growing. I challenge everyone during the month of September to purchase at least 1 Personal Development Book. If you really feel stagnant like I have been, than you might even go as far as enrolling in a weekend seminar or signing up for a course.

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