Monday, September 14, 2009

As A Man Thinketh

I just spent this past weekend in Las Vegas attending"Harmonic Wealth Weekend" with James Ray. And all I can say is WOW! I've always pretty much known that an intention was one of the key ingredients to getting what you want in this world, but I never imagined that your intention was the most important. Yep, you heard me right while most of us think that hard work, and education will get us to where we want to go - high achievers know differently. This might explain why 85% of all millionaires don't have a college degree. You see we have all been programmed for mediocrity. We have been told if we just get an education and work hard we can achieve all of our dreams. If that were the case 80% of us would be wealthy not 1%. I'm not saying education isn't important, in some cases it's a necessity. If you want to be a Dr. or a Lawyer all the powerful thoughts in the world will probably not produce that piece of paper. For the majority of us an education will not determine our success. We will never rise to our full potential until we realize that our thoughts and intentions are way more powerful than our methods. If you want to just scratch the suface on this subject than I suggest you read a book called "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen. I have an electronic copy of the book and will send it to you directly if you email me. Change your thoughts and your world will change.

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